Embracing new adventures

JANU:    Humanity’s world of consciousness is limited to human experience on the Earth. Be it known that the adventures of life range far wider. This is part of the awakening of humanity, so that adventures in the larger arena of life can inspire the human journey rather than waiting for seemingly random and unbeckoned adventures to be the scenario. Human consciousness is freeing itself from the restrictions of the past, from limited to more unlimited.

How does one perceive or see a new adventure that already exists in potential, when their own restrictions limit the view? They do so by understanding, perceiving their own restrictions for what they are and letting go of old models of perception and opening to new ones. How does one open to that which is unknown to them? They do so by realizing that life itself, which is the larger reality of their own existence, already is aware of these adventures. So, you see, these adventures are known by the larger reality of who you are. A key understanding here and a growing unlimited awareness of the reality of isolated individualism. A powerful model to move your life forward into these new adventures. Any possibility unknown to you is already known and, being part of the larger life, is available.

Awakening once again reveals your own self-imposed limitations, why they exist, how they have served you, and if you are prepared to let them go, having fulfilled their opportunities for you. New adventures rejuvenate, invigorate, expand consciousness, and help you complete your path to realizing your potentials. They’re refreshing to a life of sameness and awaken your faculties. Life in motion is the nature of change. So change, our brother, is a key to a life on the move, embracing new adventures. Namaste.

Mar. 15, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross