Freedom to be

JANU:    For this morning’s journey, we realize that there lives within each one the desire and the quest to be free. Not just free of limitation and difficulties in living, but free to embrace more of life and understand opportunities to come and grand associations. Free to build a life that others can benefit from as well. Free to inspire a young child. Free to comfort and bring peace and understanding to the life of another. Free to reach into the future. Free from limitations of past experience. Free to find joy. Free to know the divine within. Free to enjoy life while embracing it. Free to know the truth, even as it evolves.

We join with humanity at this time encouraging liberation from accepted limitations of their own creation. New adventures, new possibilities, new dreams and visions and the confidence they are achievable. In the body but not of it. A larger awareness of their True Nature. And a growing love for life. Reaching inward for the truth and reaching outward to share.

Life is a blessing, our brother, not a curse. The journey you walk is yours to create. Respect each other’s truth. Life is large enough for all of them. Be at peace, and namaste.

Mar. 18, 2015                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross