
JANU: We are nudging once more the recalcitrant human to examine their life and understand it. Are they repeating patterns of living with seemingly no change or resolution to confusion and frustration?   Introspection from time to time can bring clarity to the life. Meeting struggles in life can be in combination with peace of mind, joy and happiness, not just somber seriousness.

How does one measure, then, their patterns of living by way of choices and external influences? By examining the balance of light-heartedness, peace of mind, and goal achieving. And then the question arises: what are your clear goals in life? Do they make sense to you with joyful anticipation of achievement? Do they require denial of your inner voice, your conscience, or are they in harmony, supported by, inspired by, strengthened by who you truly are? Do they compel you to rush into thoughtless decision-making? Do they own you?

Introspection from time to time clears the way. Reflect on your life often, with full confidence that you can change your course and be successful in the flow of life that includes your True Nature. Put everything in your life on the table, so to speak, and see it for what it is. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 30, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross