Seeing the truth and destiny of our choices

JANU:    Let there be an understanding that the progress towards peace, in the world of humanity, is passing through some critical struggles and conflicts. The awakening of humanity is the path beyond this. But accepting it is challenged by those who would destroy, filled with anger and fear, believing that the power of force is the answer. They will run their course and do their best to bring confusion and fear. Their time will pass. It is important that those who are centered in a better way of life remain vigilant, use the power of prayer, and not be tempted by the power of force.

Those nations in the vicinity of ISIS are going through great turmoil. Even if ISIS controlled the world, what would they have achieved?   Another Nazi Germany. ISIS represents fear and power and force and destruction. The challenge here is to deal successfully with its illusion of power, not with its patterns but with something more permanent, more lasting, more creative. Force can be met with force, but then the wars continue and nothing new has been learned or achieved. ISIS is made up of people. The opportunity is to provide alternatives to their misguided model for achievement and understand what motivates them. Their so-called successes in their region are allowed by those who only know violence against violence. This model of living and governing keeps humanity where it is.

The world working together on one level playing field of prosperity, mutual support, and constructive freedom must be developed and will not be achieved by isolating the growing numbers dissatisfied with current relationships and models. They must be engaged in an enlightened way, that they see their truth for what it is and that it will only bring them more of what they are against. They are the architects of the past.

So let us begin by shining the Truth of Life everywhere, that everyone can see the truth of their choices. The awakening of humanity is the path. Humanity must choose for itself and open to alternatives, begin to perceive the destiny of their choices. Yes, our brother, the push is on for awakening. Namaste.

May 24, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross