Primary patterns of human consciousness

JANU:    Elementally speaking, then, let us pursue an understanding of primary patterns of human consciousness and misinterpretations that lead to discordant behavior. Primary patterns are those that are initiated and evolved as the conditions of life change. And, yes, new patterns come forth from time to time. Primary patterns include survival, environmental relationships, health and well-being, creativity, loving discovery and understanding.

When you observe the current human condition, it is not difficult to see misinterpretations, misapplication, and misidentification. And, yes, identity is a primary pattern. Humanity has been asking, “Who am I?” for eons, mistakenly forming identity as the results of misinterpretation and misapplication of primary patterns.

And yes, the True Nature evolves as well and contributes to the conditioning of the outer experience. As we have said before, all the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are mutable and the True Nature is included. So the journey of the merging of human consciousness with its True Nature involves cooperation and a desire to evolve, to create an enlightened identity continuously evolving.

Yes, we are one and a work in progress, so to speak. If life is always in motion and changing, we are part of that as well. Our bonding is essential. Let us walk into the future together. It is a rich one. Namaste.

May 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross