A larger understanding of humanity

JANU: Reaching then into the flow of life called humanity, we would convey an understanding that humanity as such has a long history and the current human experiment in life is not the first. And there will be others to come. Much planning and building and service to the human journey on the Earth has occurred. The source of human existence and therefore the reason it will continue is from the architects of life of which humanity is a part.

A lengthy and strong tradition of life is humanity’s background. It has overcome many obstacles and crises and thresholds of achievement long forgotten. And in every instance, humanity has demonstrated its mettle and this is part of the reason the architects of humanity are committed to its survival and its evolution. Its service to life has always existed and will reach new thresholds in times to come. As humanity awakens, the understanding opens and the command of its faculties, its capabilities, will bring much into play. The current unrest and warring, conflicts and struggles, are a small part of human history, and even a smaller part of its future.

And as humanity of the Earth discovers and connects with humanity of other worlds, this network of life will become more profound in the flow of life. Humanity has demonstrated it is a survivor with capabilities yet to be realized. Base not your bonding to human destiny, and the destiny of those who incarnate, the beings of Light, the eternal natures, on only one sojourn. Understand the larger reality of humanity and, through that, the larger Family of Life. Many are involved with human destiny that are not human. The Family of Life is vast, diverse, and in motion.

Think in an unlimited way. Live in an unlimited way. Understand in an unlimited way. And be unlimited. Namaste.

June 5, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross