Merging with the True Nature

JANU:   Having wondered as to understanding the nature of the True Nature and its relationship with the human consciousness, let us explore this.

The True Nature has always been part of the life experience, incarnate and discarnate. It is the part of you that transcends time/space but, at the same time, is conscious of and present in every moment of the incarnate life. Not to be thought of as a separate being, but as who you are. The incarnate life experience is absorbed, imprinted, in what you might call the memory of the True Nature. In time, when acclimated to the truth of this, the human identity will expand to include the Eternal You. Your remaining incarnate is initiated and maintained by the True Nature. The True Nature is your permanent identity. How can your human identity be your only perception when you have had others? As you become more aware of your other journeys through life, human identity will find a different role in your consciousness.

Your True Nature records all of your journeys. Now, it is possible to function in the human incarnate life, in societies, with a larger sense of identity, but it takes getting used to for it will change and enhance all of your experiences and, to varying degrees, relationships. You’ll become more conscious of your relationships in spirit as well, benefiting from wise counsel. You will become aware of sojourns that you have had. All of this with the help of the True Nature. Why not join the larger life and the rest of who you are? Namaste, our brother.

June 20, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross