Experience the coexistence of realities

JANU:    Entanglement speaks of relationships, associations, but with many realities the configuration constantly changing. So it is with the flow of life, divine entanglement. Attempting to isolate oneself from patterns of life, seemingly undesirable, and choosing patterns of life that are more pleasant flies in the face of entanglement. So what is the larger view of this, in the presence of limited perception? Identity is key here to this understanding, for identity suggests one condition of existence separate from another. The larger view here is, in the Larger Life, everything coexists. Now, one can navigate through the reality of entanglement by way of focus, attention, and harmonious relationships, but all patterns still exist and coexist, quantum reality and intelligence.

Now, this reality of relationships can be explored beyond this simple explanation. Fear becomes replaced with larger understanding, moving beyond concerns for survival for the True Nature does not succumb to anything less. Exploring life is an endless journey. One must have an open consciousness, for nothing stays the same. The changes are life in motion and are still life. Namaste
Feb. 26, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross