Create a little beauty at each opportunity

JANU: It is a worthy journey, our brother, to explore the journeys of humanity and the light and glory they bring to life itself. The public has been conditioned by the media to focus upon mayhem, with occasional glimpses of the journeys into Light by humanity. Would that they brought confidence to humanity to create beauty, genius, creativity, and to love each other for it. Humanity’s experiences are a product of their choices, but for many they know not what to choose other than that that looks like their neighbors’ choices, accepted by society, to gain favor and not ridicule based on being different.

A worthy goal for each day is to create something beautiful. Beautiful in the eyes of another. Beautiful in your own perception. And beauty need not be limited to grand creations, but the tiniest moment of kindness, relief of suffering, the joy of a child, a moment’s freedom from social oppression or limitation.

What makes a creation beautiful, our brother, is its symmetry, its balance, its universal appeal to the heart and soul of another.             Beauty endears people to life. Beauty captures the essence of nature and of Life itself. A moment of beauty is remembered and cherished. And the soul desires more and is compelled to share.

Create some amount of beauty at each opportunity. The effect it has on others will be the same that it has on you. And it enriches life. And it serves humanity. Namaste.

June 29, 2015 B                                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross