Progress on the human journey of awakening

JANU: We are raising the consciousness this evening to include the condition of the awakening of humanity. This evening’s understanding and observation of this is founded on the principle that there belongs to each collective of a species of consciousness that the collective understanding of this subject is available to all servants with commitment. The seeming social distractions from awakening seem to belie current reality.

It is a service to continue to see and serve the progress humanity is making in its rejection of violence and embrace of wanting something better, more peaceful, more powerful in each one’s life. Caring for the well-being of the Earth and its creatures, and its ecosystems, its children and their education, collectively humanity is advancing. Seven percent, if you can measure it that way, which is a grand step forward. Humanity is fearing less and less those who would destroy the serenity and the peace and the power of the people’s dreams. Violence no longer feared has no future.

Be alert, our brother. Life, in the form of the creatures of the world, its weather patterns, its energetic realities, is powerful indeed and it has the ability, to varying degrees, to direct its own True Power to strengthen those who are in harmony with it. So, instead of being against mis-creations by humanity, be in harmony with the natural forces of peace that do exist in the world. Learn of them. Be sensitive to them. Serve them as they serve you. And this is not done being alone, our brother. There are so many who serve humanity, whether incarnate or not. Be confident in the power of this, its growth, its depth, in the presence of your life and the Earth that loves you. A better life is already on the way. Namaste.

July 23, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross