Awakening is accelerating

JANU:    With so many pouring into life their commitment, their love, and their service, how can there be any doubt of the future of the awakening of humanity? At this point, it is like a snowball rolling down a hill, growing with each moment. Victory after victory of countless challenges, humanity is awakening.

This can only mean a better future. The scope of human creativity and contribution to each other and to life has only been just tapped. It is comforting at times to be at peace with your life to the point where you look back and in the present and see the progress. The noisy despots, the confused and disconnected desperate members of society, are as sheep wondering alone to be guided and encouraged back into the flock, for they are part of the human collective. Many such realities are being directed into the Light, primarily by their own True Natures.

So let us create an atmosphere, socially and in consciousness, that encourages this change. Hold to your commitments and be open to new ones, as the flow of life continues unabated. Namaste.

July 24, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross