Understanding the Big Bang

JANU: We are taking a shift in perspective for this morning’s journey. There is what you might call a ‘back door’ approach to life, allowing perceptions to shift to the unexplored alternative views to what seems straightforward. You ask, “What is the nature of the ‘back door’ approach?” It is one that leaves established perceptions and finds its way free of the subterfuge piled upon direct perception by personality and ego and the more common perceptions of others.

For example, let us reach into the seeming abyss of the unknown, the whole concept of right and wrong, religion, spirituality, and find a truer balance, peace, symmetry, and freedom of perception. Your origin of the universe, physically, and other realities, aspects, subtler creations, the Big Bang theory, so to speak, misunderstood.

There is a reality called pre-creation. It lays the foundation for manifestation. As with any human creation, physically it begins with an idea, a seed thought, a moment of insight. Such it was with the beginning of the known universe for what you would call design and planning. Duration in time and space but a moment, but rich in elements and considerations. We are speaking of origin here, not explosive episodes in the manifestation. Even a solar explosion, if you will, a nova, is a long time in the creating. So, you see, these seemingly violent events are the culmination of eons upon eons of preparation. So see not the Big Bang as the beginning of things but a culmination in evolution.

So choose to perceive what leads up to these culminations. As has been said, “Then you know the rest of the story.” And even after the culminations, a protracted evolution of life continues. Life is a process, our brother. Settling for Big Bang scenarios hides the beauty, the dynamics, and the understanding of a wondrous life process. A consciousness that is timeless can perceive all. Namaste.

July 23, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross