Creating a brighter future

JANU:    Welcome, then, to this new avenue of pursuit for humanity, creating a bright future even as we speak. How does one, then, describe a brighter future than the present? It is accomplished, our brother, by being one with the present and enriching and enhancing it in so many ways: owning the conditions that have been created by humanity and choosing alternatives by identifying, recognizing the elements of life already contributing to these alternatives. So, you see, creating a brighter future is already in progress.

Support everything you perceive within and without that looks like the path to a brighter future. Encourage current contributions, individually and socially. When observing a moment such as this, allow the consciousness to expand and touch every such moment with support. Be more observant in the unfolding of each day. These many sparks of Light, so to speak, at work then in your consciousness that they synergistically grow and evolve and mature. Contribute to the raising of human consciousness with fresh insights, new understandings, and the description of possibilities to be taken advantage of. Endeavor to be always truthful and honest, with sensitivity to the consciousness of others.

These moments of Light are of equal worth, not holding one moment of enlightenment worth more than another. That kind of judgement divides and stratifies, does not unite into oneness. Even a brief moment of uplift or happiness brought to another is a pearl and has results past the moment. The creation of a moment of happiness continues on.

Anticipate solutions to challenges. Expect them. Remember, peace is not the absence of activity, but activity that is in harmony with all of life. So be at peace and enjoy life more and more. All of the systems of your being will be brought into harmony. Inspire others in the same way. Namaste.

July 27, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross