
JANU: Encumbered to one degree or another is a condition to be mastered. Feelings of regret, guilt, frustration, fault-finding whether with self or another, disappointment and fear best seen as results of living, engaging, exploring, discovering, overcoming challenges on the path of discoveries. Struggles in living are builders of strength and commitment. Follow through, proving to oneself, meeting them, committing to overcoming builds the framework for progression and discovering more of life and one’s own potential.

Take some time to explore a new element, a new framework for evaluation. Cherish victories of the path and each new one. Another’s approval is not as important as your own. Their approvals are based upon their own patterns of life and are their footsteps on their path of discovery. Allow them theirs. Allow you yours. Life knows the difference and cherishes them all.

Be grateful that challenges come. They tell you that you are part of Life and Life is part of you. Find peace in this, and strength. Let it build resolve that life is okay. This is how it grows, realizes potential, and moves on. Allow this perspective to deepen and broaden and reveal the True Nature of Life itself. Namaste.
Mar. 15, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross