Freedom in the face of limited identity

JANU: The criteria for the realization of human potential is the freedom to be, based upon clarity of understanding, desire to live it. Processing, observation, and understanding are a constant challenge belonging to the list of objectives delving into the imagination.

These wonderings belong to a series of events rich in dialogue and contradictions. May we say at this time that there belongs to these ownership steeped in traditions that are in lockstep with the past, needing new footings rich in the freedom of adventure and choice. We would have you know at this time that potential for evolution and creativity has always existed, not always expressed. What we encourage at this time is introspection, understanding in depth the challenges to these wonderings and what holds them locked, to a degree, in life patterns. Rich are these in potential if allowed to be free to evolve.

So the tools and the promise of life are inherent in every moment and all of life’s patterns. Decide to be the wonderings that inspire you. Live the opportunities that Life presents. They are the answer to the call of humanity. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2024
Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross

This follows directly upon the concepts in Helping Humanity to Evolve and Freedom.


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