Solutions to desires

JANU:    Looking for answers to inquiries begins with a concern for solutions, paths to victory, procedures, formulas. Far too rigid for the flow of opportunity to speak simply. Let us forgo these and proceed with what is truly in the heart to be part of: a loving and caring exchange that inspires both. Each concerned with each other, as well as themselves. Look for basic desires, emotions, wonderings, solutions that lead to more. Step by step approaches, allowing for time for them to evolve.

The magic of service is the first step taken without requiring an observable conclusion or outcome. Potential has many faces or possibilities. What is important is what is in front of you. Be at peace in the quest, allowing the elements of life to combine in a natural way. Solutions have a harmonious nature. Pay attention and allow. Namaste.
Aug. 11, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross


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