Syrian refugees

JANU: The urgency of the moment has to do with subsequent responses to the human condition in the Muslim countries. There is a lack of coordination by these nations in dealing with the refugees, not realizing that how we treat them is a pattern that returns to them at some time. Those nations in the path of this, fearing for their own integrity and economics and control, do not have the vision that more wealthy nations not in the path of these would rally round for the nations that stood up to the challenge.

All humans are not connected physically or in proximity but there is a collective consciousness, concern, and compassion for another human being. Spending a little less on defense, politics, intrigue, and manipulation around the world, and a portion of that on this human suffering would go a long ways towards a better world to live in, to prosper in. The entire human culture has the resources to resolve this, if they would but use them.

We welcome this opportunity to forecast, if you will, the outcome for these refugees. They will find new homes, mostly in Europe. The wars will run their course. About 30 percent will return to their homelands in a few years and depose their rulers, beginning again building a nation and a society, free of what they have known. The aid will come from free nations, as well as advisors, building their own free society. The changes and the suffering are part of humanity moving forward, purging itself of old ways.

Pray for their strength to make these changes and a growing vision to guide them.

In the meantime, they will establish ties and relationships within their temporary homes, learn new ways of taking care of themselves, which will contribute to the design of their new society as they return. The free world will see them as a new and growing market and a model for their neighbors.

Sept. 16, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross