
JANU: We are opening at this time to a discussion on precipitation. By this we mean that process of engaging life in such a way as to bring about manifestation of your desires.

Precipitating is like being a co-creator, gently but deeply aligned with expectancy, with the power to create and the power of the Presence of Life itself, but the focus is not upon this. It’s upon the desire, knowing that, by some means, by the power and presence and flow of life, your desire and commitment will be realized. And the more this takes place, the more peaceful this becomes. When left to the natural resources of Life, along with your vision and your commitment, manifestations occur in a balanced way, which includes timing and manner. This occurs throughout the life, sometimes noticed and sometimes not.

Now, precipitation can mean a new creation. Are your desires being fulfilled by the creation of another? But to you it is new. There are those who precipitate experiences recklessly. Generally, these are self-destructive, eventually, but most are in the direction of a better life in harmony with natural order.

It is the power to create. This power is adaptable. Once again, calling for a growing wisdom and maturity. Life constantly re-creates itself, and does so in response to individual and collective consciousness and desires. And there are always consequences, and they help to guide you in better decision-making. Move forward with your power to create, while deepening your insights into consequences, tempered with past experience. All of life is a dynamic reality, but let your evolution in consciousness be dynamic as well. Precipitate consciously, in harmony with life. Namaste.

Sept. 14, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

See also the next post on “Allowing.”