Being unlimited

JANU:    Coalescing understandings into vocabulary takes getting used to in the beginnings of communication. Even though words hold meaning for the human listener, they say so little about the understanding they are generated from. Each one’s life has far more meaning and potential and service to life than all of the vocabulary that tries to describe it.

Humanity is concerned with self-worth, the worth of their lifetime, of their day, of their thoughts and feelings. Realize this, that your worth is already beyond that. In truth, your contributions to life, your existence, are eternal. They are not limited to one sojourn. They continue on and on, as do you. In time, more of humanity will understand themselves in this way, and all of their contributions, their existences survive past incarnation. Accepting who you are as an eternal being opens the consciousness to the truth of that existence. And the memories return and the wisdom and the capacity to be and to create more life, more opportunities for each other.

We are aware of this, our brother, and see this in ourselves as well. Why would we not continue to serve humanity and all it can be, appreciating every moment of your existence from an eternal point of view? And appreciation of all that you are brings a peaceful happiness and joy at being part of life.

Leave thoughts of limitation and life spans and timetables behind. They do not contain your future. They put limits on the unlimited truth of who you are. They serve a very small purpose in the affairs of society. Nothing more. You are unlimited being. Live like one. Namaste.

Sept. 11, 2015                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross