Sanity, stability, peace in a changing world
JANU: We are enumerating once more the beginning of the design for a foundation of sanity in a life pulled in so many directions: interests that come and go, the desires of others, a changing world, patterns of behavior of nations and peoples and nature. Where does personal stability find its foundation? Is there anything sane amidst the seeming chaos of life? Sanity comes from a perspective that allows a life to be whatever it chooses, but observing with eyes that can see a much larger life, bringing the diversity of life into a perspective that understands the reason for it, the roots of consciousness, the range of possibilities to be explored. So embracing change does not mean embracing life without the wisdom of your True Nature.
Understand that the so-called ‘Laws of Life’ are not fixed. So review at times and explore what you hang your hat on, so to speak, as a sane perspective. Refresh your point of view as you observe life and your own path and what guides it. Open to the wisdom of your True Nature and its vast experience and intimate knowledge and relationship with the flow of life. And, yes, even sanity is an emotion, for it is based upon a changing life. Adapting to change with wisdom and a love of life can provide stability that brings peace that is changing as well.
Achieving this understanding in the life is the result of a growing relationship in intimacy with who you truly are. Life has been at this a long time, our brother, and is doing well. Namaste.
Sept. 29, 2015 B
Choosing wealth and power
JANU: Many people salivate, so to speak, over the notion of newfound wealth financially. More so than being conscious, in harmony with their own True Nature. One is for power and comfort, the other a nebulous notion of unknown benefit. How is one to find meaning and desire in the latter? The miracle that life is even goes unnoticed.
We are not suggesting that life is one or the other. Life is everything, all experiences, all achievements. Why not genius, service, love of life, a more open and growing consciousness, and a peaceful and comfortable incarnate life that includes serving life? A relationship with others that benefits everyone, in one way or another.
When one begins to understand and experience their connection with a larger life, the truth behind everything, their values change. Their understanding of True Power emerges. When the quest and achievement of wealth consume the life, your time and energy, it is missing balance with the larger life. When one sees these physical achievements as but instruments to achieve larger goals that include the betterment of yourself and others, inner satisfaction takes on new meaning, and your thoughts on the eternal as is your role in life. To quote Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “Life is worth living.” What is wealth, then, that quickens the heart, brings comfort and peace? Choose wisely. Namaste.
Sept. 30, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross