Raising human consciousness

JANU: Understand this, our brother, raising the consciousness of humanity as a service is also by request. Humanity’s call to Life, some call ‘awakening,’ can also be a general and heartfelt desire for a better life for their families, for themselves, for each other. Longing for a society and leadership that is enlightened and understands, not just economics and politics and power, but truly serves what the public longs for. This is pervasive, and has been, and Life responds. Those with any degree of sensitivity become alert to a pull within themselves to contribute, to be part of this movement, as do we, our brother.

Raising the consciousness of humanity is not a decree from Life. It is a response to the true desires of humanity. The power to create a better life has its foundation in this. As we have said before, there are many fields of reality in life waiting for wise instruction sets and the truth of the heart is always wise, our brother.

Now, the True Nature plays a role in this, for it is the inner voice, the divine consciousness, the authority for being. So part of our service to this effort is alerting humanity to their True Nature, their true teacher, the true source of their existence. It is who they are, the ‘who’ that survives lifetimes and whose nature is eternal.

Raising the consciousness of humanity has many layers and levels of reality, the timing of which is also important, for nurturing a consciousness into the fruition of its desires takes patience based upon the ability to absorb the understanding and maintain integrity, sanity, and the confidence to proceed. So, in a true sense, the raising of consciousness is the function of the true desires of people. Our task is to help people become conscious of, to be aware of more of the truth of who they are and their potential capabilities and power to create.

The power to create is inherent within the True Nature. It is not a new technique for people to learn. It is a natural part of existing. And developing an understanding of ‘allowing’ is in harmony with, compatible with the power to create. In subtle and real ways, all of these things co-exist and are connected. Everything touches everything. Raising the consciousness of humanity is worthy to explore and understand. Namaste.

Oct. 17, 2015                                                             Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross