Ice Age

JANU: This morning’s addition to our knowledge base has to do with the snow events unfolding for the Earth. Another ice age is returning to the polar regions of the Earth. The next few hundred years will see a fairly steady change in world temperatures, brought on by cumulative effects, including the human pollution of the Earth. But this would occur in any case.

In this instance, there will be some low level mountain peaks nearly inundated. It will force major changes in human priorities involving Earth resources for survival. There will be a development of undersea complexes for survival. A major reduction in atmospheric pollution. The Earth will recycle and rejuvenate itself, to begin anew.

Yes, there will be colonies on Mars and other locations, but difficult to support. They will be designed for self-sufficiency.

This ice age will be a few degrees colder than in the past. Many species will not survive. In comparison, the current global warming will be brief. This occurs in advance of an ice age.

Community and national interactions will be affected by surface conditions. There will be attempts to tap into geothermal resources. Food production seriously curtailed but life will continue. New technologies, more efficient use of resources.

Nov. 27, 2015                                                                  Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross