JANU: Being unencumbered by doubt and misgivings adds to the strength of awakening. As you associate and collaborate with the larger family of life, be aware of this and gain confidence by observing the enthusiasm and commitment that they project.
Awakening from the human condition is challenging. The patterns of veiled experience, or existence, seem set in stone, if you will. Re-patterning is part of this change. Experience creates patterning in the first place; however, as you awaken you will recall and have experiences from before and from beyond. These journeys can seem sporadic at times, but old patterns of consciousness can obstruct. Choose then, our brother, the moments of success in your life, including these journeys, and re-pattern or build upon these experiences. Be open to the reality that all of this has been accomplished before and that life is a continuous experience of challenge, opportunity, and success. Focus upon past achievements and their presence in the memory of your being.
We journey as one, our brother. No need to be initiated by another lifestream, another being, but by your own True Nature, which is who you are. Journeys are taken in cooperation with others, but you are the captain of your ship, so to speak, and decisions are yours. Choose to think and feel, perceive, as a unified being, with all faculties in the mix, if you will.
The veil can cause one to think that ‘awakening’ is for the first time. It is not. It just seems that way. The total you knows otherwise. Identify more and more as who you are. This is true for everyone, to varying degrees. You are more than you know, and your True Nature knows this. Always return to this larger knowing where you find freedom from doubt and confusion. Namaste, our brother.
Aug. 5, 2016 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross
This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration.Awakening II set 2 contains all prior attunements in this series.