Being at peace

JANU: We are moving forward again with this series on awakening. We are not suggesting in any way, our brother, that awakening is a requirement for a productive and happy life, but awakening affords many opportunities otherwise. There is a human tendency to create a framework for living that is defined by timetables, markers of achievement or lack thereof, goals that must be met, and comparing one life to another which includes judging. The larger life, our brother, has no such requirements. Find peace in yourself and your life no matter what.

Being conscious through awakening to a greater degree provides opportunities for engagement and satisfies a natural urge to evolve, to grow and expand, to enrich understanding, and to serve each other, inspire each other into richer lives. In a sense, these journeys are journeys of your True Nature, the source of these desires to evolve, to learn, to serve. But the human journey is temporary. The wisdom gained is permanent. It adds to who you truly are.

The unawakened human mind tends to fragment its life in the limits of one sojourn, seldom planning or considering a larger perspective to include many on the path of evolving; therefore, the perception of time limits for achievement. This does not bring peace in the sense that everything is all right. Your life is acceptable to the Source of Life, no matter what. Your True Nature never condemns you. By ‘you’ we mean the human identity, the human personality ego. It is a temporary journey with opportunities. The part of ‘being at peace’ as recommended is the acceptance of this and allowing others their own freedom to be.

Happier times are coming, our brother, as more and more awaken to the Truth of Life. The choice has always resided with each one. The societies, the cultures, the national order, the military, all of these things are human choices. None are required, but all are allowed to fulfill their destiny of experience and learning. Wisdom is gained through living life and the choices that are made. And all choices, our brother, can be changed. Life adjusts itself, moment by moment, based on outcomes, desires, and choices, and opportunities presented through engagement. Leaders and followers in your society have chosen these courses and they can change from one to the other in a moment. None of this is permanent.

Be the captain of your life, of your course, your path, guided and inspired by your True Nature, the Divine within you. Be at peace. Namaste.
Aug. 24, 2016                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 4 contains all prior attunements in this series.