Expanding your consciousness

JANU: Expanding the consciousness is a basic theme in realizing potential. Awakening is this adventure. Exploring this reality does not mean turning your back upon incarnate life, but expanding your consciousness to be aware of its more profound realities and possibilities, as well as the larger life.

So then consider: What does an expanded consciousness reveal about the incarnate life? It reveals the root of its reality, which is the foundation of not only what it can be but what it is, beyond human understanding. The so-called laws of life or properties of the currently perceived incarnate life become more fluid and alterable.

How then does one know an element of truth directly, without conventional communication? Many struggle to understand more, to push the boundaries of perception and experience. When one wishes to remember a name or experience, seemingly forgotten, the more the struggle the further the answer seems away. Yet when you let go of the request, at some point you remember. This is true, our brother, when expanding consciousness. The postulate is made. The pattern created, of inquiry, the desire to know. Then it is released through the systems and realities of life that you are, to have their way. Micro-managing your experiences and awakening is counterproductive. Make your desire known then release it, remaining alert to the response, even while considering something else.

Your desires are part of life and are recorded, so to speak. There are many memories from many sojourns and discarnate existence. No need to re-invent them. They are a repository of experience and wisdom-gaining. Allow your consciousness to pattern-match with these as needed. Effortless inquiry, our brother, but in harmony with the flow of life always in motion. Whatever your understanding or awareness, there is always more. Being at true peace agrees with these realities, is in harmony with them. Namaste.
Feb. 28, 2017 B                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 17 contains all prior attunements in this series.