True Freedom

JANU: Being a day of independence, might we turn our attention to True Freedom, freedom to be, even as you participate in the traditions of those who see freedom in a more limited way. Freedom to engage in experience, participate in co-creation, gain wisdom, knowing who you are as this takes place. For, with most adventures in the incarnate life, you are more than your current identity, profession, role-playing, current memories. Realizing the freedom of your true identity, and more, does not negate your current life roles or adventures, but puts them in perspective, allowing for deeper insight, understanding, and appreciation of the results of these adventures. Relationships with others are only part of other relationships in life. Even relationships with your elements of consciousness are adventures as well.

So one might ask themselves, what is the larger freedom, to be conscious of? What does your freedom include? The Earth experience is rich with examples and opportunities for freedom. What freedoms do you extend to other creatures, nature, the Earth consciousness? How do all of these freedoms co-exist, find balance, and evolve?

Exploring the reality of freedom is a worthy adventure, every day.
July 4, 2017                                Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening set 26 contains all prior attunements in this series.