THE COMMUNICATORS: Yes, we are the Communicators and we do so endeavoring to bring enlightenment through awakening, wherever we may. This path we encourage for others, we are on ourselves, and so, with some justification, we encourage others.
Communication concept embraces a natural element of awakening with mutual benefit. We encourage this, for this is a path of awakening, so to speak, for all of life. When humans awaken, it benefits their entire world, for the understandings they gain bring harmony and support to all of the life systems of your world, and the world as well. For life is everywhere and, collectively, enriches itself and blossoms into new realities, new creations, and depth.
Needless to say, awakening is a process with many different modalities, pathways, time frames, and elements of intimacy and connection with life. It is inspirational and rewarding to observe this process in many areas of life, for it has a beauty and a symmetry of its own. As one awakens and consciously embraces new capabilities and insights into being, your bodies benefit as well, in terms of balance, peace, rejuvenation, and evolution. For, yes, our brother, even your DNA, as you call it, is evolving. An intimate relationship with its potential helps ensure successful outcomes. Awakening in consciousness stimulates faculties of awareness and a connection with other worlds, other realities.
There are miracles to be experienced in your own environment, that are known about in other environments, that can be yours as well, once you know of them and embrace them. There are opportunities in every moment of your lives that have been missed due to a lack of awareness. Ideas for exploration and new ways of thinking and relating to life are everywhere. We would have you see this, each according to their own capacity to absorb and change. Change is the pathway to new life, not to be feared or avoided strictly because the outcome seems unknown.
Trust in life to lead you into the Light, if that is your desire and your intent is the Truth and to contribute to life in peace. One is hard-pressed to consider an argument that justifies not awakening, ignorance, and solitude. We have been as you are now and the difference leads you into the future, never to return into darkness. The love that is Life, that it is imbued with, becomes with you more consciously and you realize that this is who you are, this is your love as well that is finding freedom to be, in your life.
Sept. 12, 2013 Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross