Opening to the truth of your Nature

JANU:     We are encouraging the journey into the larger truth of your own Nature. It is true that patterns of life, of perception, have accumulated, filling a repository of limitation from limited perception, not only within one’s own experience but absorbing the experiences of others as normal. They are common, but not normal.

Opening to the larger truth of your Nature opens the consciousness to more unlimited life patterns of experience, memory, perception. One focus dear to many is their own physical, mental, and emotional health. Spiritual health being the least understood of these, but that is where the Light is, the truth of your Nature, the larger view, freedom from limitation.

So let us continue our journeys in this direction, promoting well-being, clarity of insight, and understanding, service through relationships and co-creativity, and serving the discovery of love for oneself and others. Loving oneself unconditionally, no matter what, is the journey worth taking. A phrase difficult for many is that ‘I love myself without reservation or condition.’

Love is the bond that holds life together. It is the vehicle of understanding, intimacy, nurturing, rejuvenation, and ongoingness. It is expansive, liberating, and freedom. Much need for this in the world at this time. Witness human behavior, from the small to the large. Where is love? A word used by many but to what degree is it owned, not as a symbol through a word, but as a reality in the life? Where is the peace and the freedom from anger? It lives within and is your Nature.

Many feel that what they sense with their five senses is what is real, and everything else is a fuzzy possibility, misrepresented by many for their own purposes. Conscious union is the path to awakening into your awesome Nature, a source of wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Let there be no mistake. This is the Larger Life and always has been. Return to what you’ve known before, and what you’ve known is who you are as well as the rest of Life. Namaste.
Dec. 11, 2018 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross