Regulating distractions on the path of destiny

JANU:    We are regulating, then, that which belongs to destiny, meaning commitment, focus, clarity of understanding, insight, delivery of service. What we reach for in these exercises is strengthening of bonds, conscious bonds between elements of being and the Nature of Life. These bonds are in motion, interacting, pulsing if you will with the flows of life within the destiny unfolding, a very dynamic reality. These regulations are designed to redirect what have been distractions of memory, daily activities, thought processes, dealing with the pressures of incarnate life. Reaching for something more that includes the distractions but orders their appearance in such a way as to bring synchronicity to experiences.

Let us continue with these regulations of focus and commitment. The rewards are the feedback that you long for that reveal effectiveness and progress. These markers on journeys in consciousness are natural and recognized when attuned to. Life is a dynamic presence, filled with everything needed to explore itself, to manifest its potential, to realize everything. Continue the adventure. Be at peace with the presence of Life and your own Nature. Namaste.
Jan. 7, 2019 B                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross