All of life is awakening

JANU:    This journey of life called awakening belongs to the history of all of evolving life. It is a partnership on so many levels. It agrees with the imperative of everything to continue, to evolve, to create, to mature. The journey into incarnate existence is part of this and focuses the intent, the process, by virtue of the veil. Isolating the consciousness, the awareness, to a more limited portion of life while still being motivated by the larger True Nature to experience and, through the experience, awaken, gaining the wisdom of the journey, adding to the wisdom of the True Nature, serving life on the way.

Awakening is a continuing process that had never ceased but went through changes in the process due to incarnation. The bigger picture here is inclusive of all of this. All of life is awakening, maturing, growing, becoming more and, as potential is realized, the process deepens and expands. Everything in motion. The only absolute is life itself. There is more to the reality of life than one can imagine. Individuality and oneness do not conflict in any way; they are one. Namaste.
Jan. 8, 2019                                                                                    Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross