Conscious coexistence with Earth

JANU: Congratulations to the evolution of Earth consciousness among the hierarchy of worlds in the solar realm of this system.

How then does a world evolve, in what manner? The evolution is concerned with its contribution to life. Certainly this is demonstrated by coexistence of physical humanity, which is of the Earth, and the consciousness of those who incarnate into them. This symphony of life, called population, is not just for the human components but all of the creatures of the Earth and their many destinies.

The Earth is evolving. Some would say, “Well, without the physical Earth, what would be the reality of Earth consciousness?” The same question could be asked of the human being. Without the body, what becomes of the so-called consciousness of humanity? Humans do not appraise the significance of the world they live upon in any way resembling that of themselves. Exploration of this reality is overdue, for co-creator and progeny have a mutual dependency. There would be no human existence without the planet Earth.

So, when exploring the expansion of consciousness, becoming more intimate with the Larger Life, include the Earth as well. There is a bond yet to be discovered. A conscious relationship is possible with other worlds. The Earth communicates with other worlds and the Larger Life. Much to be learned here, gained in experience.

Individuals have challenges coexisting with each other. Much can be learned from the coexistence of humanity and the Earth. Opportunities abound. Richness surrounds you. Partake of it and contribute to it. Namaste.
Jan. 21, 2019                                                                                     Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross