Blessing humanity

JANU: The point to be made this evening is that once you begin a task that incorporates service, there must be, from time to time, an acknowledgement that what belongs to service registers as blessing.

Service recognized as blessing becomes one with that which is served. And when blessing occurs, the server and the object of serving are one, connected, intimate to the point of mutual blessing. What is blessing, then, but life loving life as if it were its own? And it is!

So, for this evening’s service, let us bless humanity on its way to becoming a growing blessing for the larger life. Humanity has enjoyed its isolation, or its perception of it. But that is changing, for it has been known of and visited by other races, other worlds, other realities. Understand that humanity is far more than a species. It is a consciousness that has grown from the opportunities of incarnation, still struggling to find its way. There are many lights of consciousness throughout humanity with a clarity of vision of purpose and potential. So, you see, humanity has already begun climbing out of darkness. Everyone who embraces this raises the collective human consciousness and, with a loving heart, freely serves.

These journeys are a part of this. Be generous in your sharings, in the truths you are discovering. Let the blessing spread, whether one at a time or many. The result is the same. This is our service this evening. Namaste.
April 19, 2013 B                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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