Who are you?

JANU: Self-examination, then, is a key element in awakening, for the discovery of who you are and conditioning by society, others, traditions. For the question becomes: Who are you beyond all of these influences? What do you own from your own True Nature and its wisdom and capacity for experience and remembrance? Remembering that what we speak of is who you are, truly.

Who are you? Where are your values? What is your integrity? What is your model for being? What are the origins? An interesting opportunity to learn by growth through experience, appraising the models for living around you, parents and society. And what influence is there? Who you truly are setting the stage for experiencing incarnate life. More than “What do you believe in?” but “What do you know?”

As you engage your life each day, listen for, touch the source of your being for a taste of reality. Wiser decision-making gives wiser results. Choose to know who you are and all you have been. Namaste.
Jan. 25, 2019 B                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross