
JANU:    Goal-centered exploration is the theme here. “What is wise goal setting, then?” you ask. It is that which is in harmony with a growing consciousness of integrity. Exploring the truth of life. Self-observation and discernment. An openness to understanding and experiencing the nature of life and its   creations. The relationships between all of the elements of life and their integrity. The larger views of life, potential, destiny, achievements. Freedom of sovereignty and choice. A desire to serve and enrich life, meaning everyone and everything in it.

A worthy question for everyone: What are your goals in your life? How clearly to you understand them? What has been achieved up to this point, and how well do you understand these achievements and their potential? Life can appear as a grab bag, of sorts, of possibilities. The organization of these is lack of consciousness, wisdom, maturity, and understanding of that which engages them. Life is not linear or empirical. It is coexistent, simultaneous, and progressive. Even the consciousness of your body has goals of survival, well-being, service to the occupant, enriching life as it may, and living its integrity, and responding to the life patterns of the occupant.

Measuring all of this is through observation and experience of the results of these interactions and manifestations. That is the mirror of life. And, as with a mirror, life reflects you to see who you are, the results of your choices and interactions on every level. Acknowledge your coexistence and listen. Namaste.
June 17, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross