The journey of awakening

JANU:     We are accustomed to the procedure of the awakening of the species—in this case, humanity. Troubling, then, for those who begin to see the light, so to speak, and shine that light upon their perception of society around them, and their own limitations within themselves, meaning the one who is awakening. The tendency to perceive awakening as an abrupt miraculous opening of awareness and consciousness does not understand the nature of it in application. Now, there are many variations on this theme, but there is always a correlation between maturity, wisdom, and the availability of deeper and deeper insights.

In a sense, Life meters out power to its elements. Beyond the limitations of time/space, potentials and destinies are known. Progressions of behavior and performance reveal the wisdom of choices and their outcomes. There is nothing haphazard about life. Its movement, its unfoldment, sometimes called the flow of life, is a progression of realities, interactions, outcomes.

“What is wisdom, then,” you ask, “in the guidance of perception and decision-making?” It shapes perception, understanding, and appreciation of the Larger Life and all of its components, venues, if you will. So the quest for awakening and its realization hinges upon these elements, these factors, and the opportunities that are created. What a grand symphony of process! Constantly changing, evolving, creating, re-creating. Transformation, renewal, forgiveness, and love.

Embrace awakening and enjoy the journey. Namaste.
June 28, 2019 B                                                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross