JANU: We are working this evening with those who adopt a position or policy of rendering encouragement to the consciousness of those who seek the truth of who they are. Now, encouragement is a delicate matter for it must honor the right of everyone to choose their way. But service is possible when you consider or open to those you serve, as partners in life in the journey of discovery.
To be considered in this are the memories of those who are their identification for the time being. To let go of a memory with no idea of its alternative can leave one feeling disconnected from who they thought they were. So what replaces a memory, that uplifts and encourages? It is a new understanding released to the consciousness as the mask of the memory lets go. One may not need to think an elevation in consciousness causes limbo or a void of emptiness. Thoughts can be rich with depth, importance to the individual, and a sense of relate-ability to others, but true insight is revelatory beyond thought. It opens the venue of consciousness to direct knowing, with clarity and unlimited depth.
So let us consider this evening, in our service, to bring encouragement to gently let go of limitation, no matter how familiar it may be, and breathe in insight, inspiration, and a growing freedom of a larger sense of being, and a realization that this next rung in the ladder, so to speak, allows for a grander view as each rung does. One sees more of life in new light, including all you have known before. So, this evening we encourage the next rung on the ladder of everyone’s choosing into freedom.
Thank you, and namaste.
April 9, 2013 B Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross
The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.