The art of communication: Direct Knowing

JANU:    I am Janu speaking, discussing then this morning the art of communication. And it is an art to be developed and mastered continually. We will discuss this morning the reality that communication is by no means by just words, you see, for in the realms of life words are the least communicative. Emotions, images, experiences, direct knowings, and the flood of memories from an awakening consciousness—not just your own but those of others as well—and communication with all of life, including sentient beings. The art of communication is the mastery of these and more. The appreciation and study of savants is useful here, for their communication with life touches some of these and is natural.

Let us start then this morning with ‘direct knowing.’ By tuning oneself to being one with any element of life, intimately, brings direct knowing. Not limited to places and people, but to Truth, answers if you will, solutions, processes of life. Being one with an element of life does not relinquish one’s integrity or True Nature, but adds to it, enriching the flavor of life, the flavor of your life and, in time, so to speak, your master, enriching theirs as well, through the communication, you see. You are aware of your benefit from  these communications, and we benefit as well, our brother. Yet our integrities are maintained and our truths, but mutually enriched.

This journey into the intimacy of direct knowing is a challenge for many who have lingered these many years, identified with the sense of individuality, separation consciousness, isolation. This is a movement in the opposite direction, our brother, for one does not need to be consumed with protection from life, but by the integrity of their True Nature. And it is a journey of a larger identity, a larger integrity, a larger relationship, and a fuller, more complete presence on the stage of life.

            Declare your interest and allow intimacy of knowing, honoring the integrity of that element of life respectfully. And in this same way, allow life to know you. You will grow in ways you have yet to imagine. And life is the richer for it. The art of communication is beginning. Namaste, our brother.


Dec. 7, 2013                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross