Understanding all of life

JANU:   This morning’s journey takes us on a journey into the nether regions of those who journey into the areas of limited consciousness of the seductress called power and egocentric motivation. Those who walk this journey feel they enjoy the experience of the power of darkness. Little do they understand that this is a journey of isolation from the freedom of pure being, one with the expansion of life, seasoned with love, joy, and peace.

They little realize that they are being drained of these qualities and become obsessed with their apparent power. These absorb power from others and return none of the finer qualities of life to their quests and those they take power from.

You ask, then, “Why does life allow such journeys, such behavior?” In the larger understanding, our brother, it is the price, if you will, of life in motion allowing freedom of choice and the full range of experience to gain wisdom and to discover everything. ‘Reaching for a better life’ has a different meaning for different paths in life. Taking these paths reveal the price of choice and the rewards. Who can say which is right, and which is wrong? Life does not, for it allows the freedom to be, whatever your choice, with the results that follow.

Wisdom through experience is the theme here. Wise is the individual who understands the choices to create the world they choose to experience on their journeys. There are countless worlds of experience that countless individuals have chosen and learned from and changed. Let us examine life in this way, our brother, appreciating the purpose of everything, making choices clearer and wiser. To appreciate life fully, one must understand all of it and not deny the existence, the reality, of any of it.   Stand in your integrity, our brother, as do we. Namaste.

Dec. 8, 2013                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross