The nature and purpose of service

JANU:   As we probe the mystery of life together, let us assume that there is a mystery to be probed. And what is a mystery but a reality not fully understood or aware of? You are asking this evening about service, its nature, its purpose, its role in a useful progression of life.

Now you ask, “Does life progress, or can it, without the inclusion of service?”  Yes, it can, our brother, but then its richness is lessened, for those who serve life also invest who they are in it. And that is part of the progression of life, is it not? The investment in life, and that’s what service is and that’s its purpose. That’s its meaning: to invest your life in it. Not to rule it or to run it, but to contribute. You’re concerned about interference with the natural progression of life from your own point of view or perspective. Life allows this as well, you see, for your investment in someone else’s investment into the collective evolvement of life from all of these investments helps bring life to where it is.

Right or wrong does not describe a loving investment in life, when service is a natural calling for elements of life. To desire that life evolve and fulfill its potential, that desire is innate. So you invest, our brother, where there is opportunity and that innate quality within seems beckoned. As with any endeavor, you do your best with what you know, and learn from this and refine your service. If perfection is desired, before giving service, your service will end. But not for long, for the push from within will reveal to you the illusion of perfection.

That is this evening’s service, our brother: to understand and continue to serve. Namaste.

Dec. 20, 2013 B                                                                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross