A new future for Egypt

JANU:   Shall we say for this evening that the service to be engaged in will change the climate of Egypt, its culture, its sense of public unity, national identity, and purpose in the world. What we serve this evening is a growing common vision as each one is capable of perceiving and understanding. The people are looking for leadership, not domination. They want the peace that allows their lives to unfold in a meaningful way, families to prosper, and business to flourish. This is what they long to hear from their leaders.

Egypt’s long history seems to no longer be enough for the people, including a history that they are not aware of—the history older than the pyramids. Their common vision for their future will include a grasp of potential, some of which was envisioned even before the pyramids, you see, for there were and are those who live in the Now.

Hitler had his eyes on Egypt, not fully understanding what he was sensing but the power intrigued him. But his vision had no place in the future of Egypt, a distorted vision filled with lust for power and domination.

The light and the jewel that was Egypt will not return in the same way as it was, for Egypt has a new future. The light in the jewel will be in the people, not in statues and temples and things made of gold.

Dec. 16, 2013 B                      Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross