The Nature of Life: Absolute freedom

JANU:   How does one broach then such a subject, such a reality? Considering the possibility that life includes all of us, all of creation, manifest or otherwise, what is its nature?

One tends to think in terms of source of life, a singular reality possessing that needed to initiate everything. Consider this, our brother, that life from this interest has no beginning. Quite a concept to embrace, that there is no ‘source’ as such, no beginning. Life has always been and always will be. One must overcome the tendency to consider understandings in terms of breadth and scope, the borders of hierarchy with beginnings and endings. Life has always been, our brother, and to understand this, it allows one to focus upon its existence. Universes have beginnings and endings, which are beyond number, scattered throughout life. Life in the most primary of reality will always be, because understanding comes when you realize that time and distance are a creation from that which is not limited to these, or defined by these. The understanding lies beyond Pure Being. “Life is” does justice to a limited understanding.

This perspective affords the consciousness the freedom to relate to the nature of life with a measure of the freedom of life without constraints or borders. It allows the consciousness to expand beyond evidence. Embracing the reality of limitless life opens the consciousness as no other reality can afford. Realizing a true freedom, yet still embracing creation. The freedom is beyond paths of discovery, of engagement, of rituals and obedience and all of these things. Pure Being consciousness is but a step to the freedom of absolute oneness with life, for to the limited mind, ‘being’ suggests the reality of ‘not being’ and that understanding alone is not the freedom we speak of.

Much to consider here, which we shall, understanding the nature of life.

Dec. 18, 2013                                          Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross