Co-creation: Incarnation and awakening

JANU: It is true, understanding this reality is assisted by remembering why one incarnates at all, you see. Incarnation is a process that reveals to the one incarnating the mechanisms of life, not just materiality but the life that allows it, the energetic disciplines, protocols, structures, and the transformations that can take place in perception, consciousness, and appreciation of life.

Co-creation is a part of this process and it belongs to the Orders of Life that allow life to create life after its own kind, so to speak. So the rewards of incarnating and co-creating are not just for the individual but for life itself. Remembering that your existence, and your performance in that existence, are always one with life. Understanding and experiencing the co-existence of individuality, uniqueness, and oneness with all other elements of life is a grand journey. Let it be known that understanding this reality is a vast journey of its own.

Let there begin, then, a dialogue with the self and the nature of its existence, appreciating and understanding an incarnate lifetime and, at the same time, embracing the larger life reality of your own being. It is micro- and macrocosm, individuality and oneness, understood the same way.

The motivation to incarnate, which is your inquiry, is to experience more of life, understand more of life, and become conscious as more of life. For in this direction of experience, one moves toward completeness of being. And even that, our brother, is but a threshold into an even larger life, for the more conscious you are, the more of life you engage.

Ignorance and illumination are the choices, our brother. In either case, your Essential Being is, and is part of life, and has worth, and is loved. Co-creation exists no matter the degree of awakening. What is created is up to you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 2, 2014                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross