Energies–the Power to Exist

JANU:             Today’s focus comes at a time when consciousness throughout the universe by sentient beings is awakening to the point that a more mature grasp of life leading to a fuller participation in it is a harmonious change.

What is the ‘power to exist’? How does one understand this, or begin to? And what does ‘existing’ mean?

The ‘power to exist’ is the result of universal consciousness and its desire to create, experience, and become one with more of potential manifested. And ‘existence’ is the realization of life’s potential. This recurring theme belongs to the understanding that life creates after its own kind.

And, you see, even destruction is a form of creation, an expression of it, for it makes way for change. And even destruction requires understanding of what is being destroyed. But, in truth, our brother, even destruction of any creation is not the end of life, that it is and was. That is a change of relationships of the elements of creation.

Even your consciousness, our brother, can evolve and change into another life expression. As one moves from individuality focus to cosmic consciousness, consciousness evolves, changes, and the life that it is finds new expression. The ‘power to exist’ becomes a range of changing existences that continues to serve life, which is beyond time but includes it. So to understand even eternity, one must be unlimited beyond the perception of time and space.  The ‘power to exist’ is the energy of creation, a reality that exists as a reality, created by life itself, so to speak.

Jan. 18, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross