Progress on the human journey of awakening

JANU: We are raising the consciousness this evening to include the condition of the awakening of humanity. This evening’s understanding and observation of this is founded on the principle that there belongs to each collective of a species of consciousness that the collective understanding of this subject is available to all servants with commitment. The seeming social distractions from awakening seem to belie current reality.

It is a service to continue to see and serve the progress humanity is making in its rejection of violence and embrace of wanting something better, more peaceful, more powerful in each one’s life. Caring for the well-being of the Earth and its creatures, and its ecosystems, its children and their education, collectively humanity is advancing. Seven percent, if you can measure it that way, which is a grand step forward. Humanity is fearing less and less those who would destroy the serenity and the peace and the power of the people’s dreams. Violence no longer feared has no future.

Be alert, our brother. Life, in the form of the creatures of the world, its weather patterns, its energetic realities, is powerful indeed and it has the ability, to varying degrees, to direct its own True Power to strengthen those who are in harmony with it. So, instead of being against mis-creations by humanity, be in harmony with the natural forces of peace that do exist in the world. Learn of them. Be sensitive to them. Serve them as they serve you. And this is not done being alone, our brother. There are so many who serve humanity, whether incarnate or not. Be confident in the power of this, its growth, its depth, in the presence of your life and the Earth that loves you. A better life is already on the way. Namaste.

July 23, 2015 B                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Enriching your life

JANU: There is a propensity to prolong life more than enrich it. Many have a day’s experience not unlike the previous. Though continuation has merit, but continuing what? A sense of well-being; service to others; fulfillment of goals that improve life; discovering what has been, what is and what will be; understanding and ownership of one’s own being and an expanding identity to include more of life; profound peace within; a love and joy carrying you through difficult times; compassion and uplift for others; and an open mind.

Humanity has yet to understand this collective strength and true power over fears, so-called disease, infirmities, and confusion. Life allows these things but also allows overcoming, mastering, continuation, and a love for the self and others that is boundless. If for only a moment, experience these things within your being and begin to know the truth of these. Allow yourself to see life and who you are in a new way.

Now, you are not subject to challenges. You are the master of them. Draw on this with each confrontation. Advance being all that you can be to being all that you already are. Be at peace with your life and love what’s coming. Namaste.

July 15, 2015                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Life is full of wonder

JANU: We are supporting the notion that life is full of wonder, forecast by its potential. For the time being, human consciousness is preoccupied with survival in the physical. When enlightened beyond this, it will realize that life is not temporary, just the physical is. And the wonder of life will always be there to explore, to expand your consciousness, to reveal to you so many understandings. And, yes, even you are part of the wonder for you are life exploring itself, manifesting itself, creating new discoveries. Individual and collective consciousness are one. So, as you explore the wonders of life, the discoveries and the understandings become a part of the collective human mind.

The current voyage to Pluto is one of the wonders. Notice how it stimulates imagination, excitement, a look into the future and a larger life by so many. It liberates consciousness from continuing mundane and somewhat pettiness of life, by comparison. Discoveries such as this bring the thought to humanity: “What else exists? What else awaits us? What are the possibilities of discovery?” And that quickens so many levels of reality within the human, including the physical. Everything prepares a little bit for the answer to the question.

So, wonder at this discovery. Absorb its revelations. And understand its role in life’s realities. Namaste.

July 14, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding a life form

JANU: The words used in this communication are sponsored by other life forms, as a result of your inquiry. Communication with other life forms for mutual benefit is not in English, our brother, or any other Earth language of humanity and must be translated, which is one of our services on these journeys.

There is a life form, that you are seeing at this moment, which is similar in shape to a caterpillar, but the hair is much longer. Color is like a light gray. This life form does not build edifices or engage in what you would call agriculture. There is procreation. But the intelligence and wisdom does not derive from these things. And, yes, this life form exists on the Earth. It exists in the jungles of tropical rainforests and is a transplant from another world. They have a very old consciousness and their understanding and vision of life is not like yours at all.

So, where does conversation or communication begin, our brother, when there seems to be nothing in common? It begins by valuing each other’s existence and being open to mutual service.
Their physical existence is there to survive on the Earth and to comfort each other. Their protection from predators is in the form of virtual invisibility, but can be seen in the mind. They live in the trees. And, no, they do not have a name. But co-exist with the trees and provide in return an enzyme that the tree makes use of for its protection. Their arrival from another world was arranged, this being one of their purposes. Their hair-like appendages contribute to a symbiotic relationship with the tree.

You ask what do they know that you could understand? They know long life, our brother. A kind of timelessness and an intimate sense of oneness. They understand connection, co-dependency of a beneficial nature.
This is but one example, our brother, of the diversity of life, and purpose, longevity, and oneness. Namaste.
July 1, 2015 B Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding commitment

JANU: The subject this morning is commitment. Even commitment, our brother, is subject to flexibility, modification, limitations, but it speaks well of character, compassion, vision, and integrity. Now, some commitments are not always the wisest, but are sincere at the time. Therefore, as experience brings clarity to the relationship, at times correction is called for and wisdom dictates this, you see, for even wisdom is changing. However, commitment is a good beginning, and leads to follow through to achieve goals.

Now, the foundation for commitments is varied. They can be selfish in nature, destructive, or loving, uplifting, serving, understanding, and enriching. This is why the declaration of a commitment is not held by others, or by Life, as written in stone. They are an attempt to create, without complete knowledge, with only a belief in outcome, the desire. And yes, a course taken may call for re-commitments as experience is gained. Even the commitment to survive can be overcome by overwhelming circumstance. A commitment is still a wonderful thing and it enriches the life and inspires others. Taking a chance on life takes courage, resolve, and patience. But no matter the outcome, our brother, life continues. New opportunities are presented.

Now, understanding this, a change in the commitment should not be taken as failure with self-recrimination. One may re-commit, with a new understanding. Can you really condemn anyone who commits to improving their life, yet stumbles in the process? Isn’t that what life is all about? Agreeing to incarnate and navigate life does not hold guarantees, but a chance. Engage what you may with the understanding you have and your resources, but the outcomes pale in worth to the willingness to try.

Enrich your satisfaction with this understanding. Be patient with yourself, even as Life is. Namaste.

July 1, 2015                                                                            Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Understanding focusing

JANU: We are rationalizing, then, thought that strays somewhat randomly with the focusing purpose illusively sought by many. What we mean by this is the organization of random thought bringing greater clarity and stability in the midst of creativity. On the one hand, random thought is healthy potential in exploring life but, without organization and focus, thought is skimming along the surface of more profound understanding. These journeys we take, our brother, demonstrate this. Any path of inquiry you find interesting, or are drawn to, can be explored more deeply with revelations that are principles of life, enhancing the process of exploration.

Explore life not as a vagabond, but as an integrated partner with its vastness and diversity. And make no mistake, our brother, life is exploring you as well. In time you will learn to explore meaning and purpose of any of your endeavors, relationships, connections, and goals. Many are ready to explore life more deeply, our brother. Learn the art of focusing and share it with those who inquire into their own understandings and perceptions.

July 8, 2015 B                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Create a little beauty at each opportunity

JANU: It is a worthy journey, our brother, to explore the journeys of humanity and the light and glory they bring to life itself. The public has been conditioned by the media to focus upon mayhem, with occasional glimpses of the journeys into Light by humanity. Would that they brought confidence to humanity to create beauty, genius, creativity, and to love each other for it. Humanity’s experiences are a product of their choices, but for many they know not what to choose other than that that looks like their neighbors’ choices, accepted by society, to gain favor and not ridicule based on being different.

A worthy goal for each day is to create something beautiful. Beautiful in the eyes of another. Beautiful in your own perception. And beauty need not be limited to grand creations, but the tiniest moment of kindness, relief of suffering, the joy of a child, a moment’s freedom from social oppression or limitation.

What makes a creation beautiful, our brother, is its symmetry, its balance, its universal appeal to the heart and soul of another.             Beauty endears people to life. Beauty captures the essence of nature and of Life itself. A moment of beauty is remembered and cherished. And the soul desires more and is compelled to share.

Create some amount of beauty at each opportunity. The effect it has on others will be the same that it has on you. And it enriches life. And it serves humanity. Namaste.

June 29, 2015 B                                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Being part of the systems of life

JANU:    The Earth is a complex being and has a True Nature. So it is with other worlds, our brother. The fundamental patterns of existence extend more widely than that of the human; therefore, understanding the nature of life is enhanced by understanding your own. Communication is possible, a kind of direct knowing, with any system of life. Oneness is seldom understood but it is the nature of relationships of expressions of life with each other.

How can one say, then, the life of the Earth, which includes many variables, is not a part of the human experience as well? For your body is made of the Earth, sustained by it, and there is pattern matching on every level. Relate to the Earth through the core realities of your own nature, your own being. Support its well-being through this relationship. When decisions are made involving the resources and the beauty of the Earth, have sensitivity to the needs of the Earth as well. Consider making a list of not only the benefits you gain from the Earth, every moment of every day, but understand the Earth more thoroughly and learn of its needs. Not just physical ones, you see, but energetic ones. And let service to life include the world that gives you life.

You ask of the Earth’s relationship with other worlds, including the Solar System. There is a synergism throughout the Solar System little understood, but the entire structure and balance and movements within the system influence each system of life within it. It is well to understand and perceive your own being and the complexity of your solar system as partners in life. Extend your consciousness to include this and make note of what is revealed.

Your Earth does not evolve on its own, but is part of a larger system of life, the complex and vast energy transfers, modulations, and you are a part of all of this, in one way or another. What humanity contributes to the flow of life is not a secret, but part of the Earth’s and the Solar System’s foundation of sharing influence and balance of peace.

Choose to listen, understand, and, yes, even communicate with the larger reality of your incarnate life. Be one with this Earth and its Solar System. Learn more of the way of life. The Earth understands a great deal. It is aware of much. Allow the comforting of each other. Your own True Nature understands this wisdom. There is one form of intelligence or another throughout life, our brother. Namaste.

July 10, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of the mind

JANU:    Let us look today into the nature of the combination of mind and so-called True Nature. They are one and the same, our brother. Physically unconscious of this fact, this reality, most walk the path of life with limited identity, which serves their purpose for the moment.

Mind is as a shadow of the reality of the True Nature’s consciousness. Always one, but the mind a reflection of, an extension of, a portion of, the True Nature consciousness. When working consciously as one mind, aligned with attributes, elements, and a shifting relationship as awakening continues, there is true synergism here. It is true; the mind is an interface between the larger reality of your being and the physical experience. The mind frequently draws upon inspiration, intuition, insight, which are nurtured by the True Nature’s consciousness.

The conscious physical mind—or should we say, physically oriented mind—has access to the larger collective consciousness of your True Nature. Out-of-the-body and near-death experiences open the door larger to this reality of being. This is in part an attraction to the drug-induced altered state that seems a euphoric experience of freedom, liberation, and expansion, but confusing to the system of consciousness while incarnate. It makes it difficult to integrate the elements of consciousness into a balanced collective, unified reality. But it seems far easier than the balanced approach to enlightenment and the human nature takes what seems to be the easier path, without concern of ramifications to the total being.

Much of the motivation here is to escape the discomforts, struggles, and pain that they have brought to incarnate life. The larger goal is to own all of it, our brother, and integrate it into a more balanced and understanding relationship with life. Patience, commitment, understanding, and a growing love of life, with the guidance of your True Nature, is a better way. So, the mind and the True Nature consciousness are one, our brother. Living in the truth of this yields a fuller life.

You ask, “Does the mind exist only for the purpose of incarnate life?” Yes and no, our brother, for the mind during incarnate life is conditioned to that interface, but discarnate it is not so limited but remembers the experience. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

July 11, 2015                                                                          Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The nature of true service

JANU: We are welcoming once again an understanding about life. What passions do people have about loving life and each other? Not based on reward of any kind, or fear, or compensation, even without witness to the results of the giving. Where does that come from? What is its source? Why is it not a common way of life?

Giving to another without requirement, even as one is given life without special requirement, has to do with the nature of being. To be loving, true to your being, is effortless. The incarnate life has challenges, even to its survival. The love we refer to includes this, but is much larger.

So what is service, then, that does not interfere with an individual’s destiny? The knowledge of this comes from the part of you that carries the wisdom and the experience and the connection to understand each opportunity on its merit. Let there be, then, within your consciousness, a willingness to adopt and understand the Truth of Life, as you are able. But the desire is always there to serve. That is the commitment and the passion between all elements of life. Without this, life can seem empty and without the natural purpose that continues the flow. Listen to the Truth within you. It is your wisdom and your love of life. It is who you are. Namaste.

July 3, 2015 B                                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross