The power and magic of gratitude

JANU: Being enamored of living is a joyous path. Many concerned with survival, power struggles, manipulation, greed miss the opportunity to be enamored of the Truth of Life. Being grateful for your next breath becomes clear when it is not there. A sunrise that’s not there. Love from another that’s not there. The warmth of the sun, the refreshing breeze, the basic comforts, peace of mind, the joy of discovery, the miracle of being, when not there bring gratitude for these things. Why be grateful for that which appears regularly, naturally, every day? Need there be a lack in your life to appreciate the abundance of its presence? Even when discarnate, the miracles of life abound. A moment of gratitude reveals more and more reasons to be grateful.

The process of life itself unfolding holds its own beauty. This process can be observed and understood in everything. The physical body you have borrowed for a time has its own beauty of life process. Expect miracles, but take nothing for granted. And the gratitude awakens you to so much more.

You seek peace of mind, balance, and well-being. The gratitude we speak of brings this. The constant searching for more and more is from a lack of gratitude for what is. When filled with gratitude, the emptiness disappears and the greater miracles of life continue. So continue a grateful relationship with life.

This is a powerful consciousness. It connects you with all of life and brings a bounty not designed by you but created by you through gratitude. “What are you grateful for today?” is the question. Namaste.

May 28, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Anomalies in communication

JANU:    We will address at this time the reason for anomalies in speech patterns as we convey understanding.

Understand that most of life does not use verbal speech. It communicates in other ways, far more revealing and unambiguous and truthful. Human speech can have many meanings for the same word and the pattern of languages overlap each other, and they have roots in other languages, and, of course, meanings that have drifted over time. Imagine the challenge to speak clearly and precisely in attuned communication with language anywhere in the world. This is why language and meaning must sort itself out over time.

This is why visuals are relied upon in dreams and elsewhere. But again comes the problem of interpretation. You have seen many images, scenarios, that relate to our journeys. Upon reflection, some are understood for their true meaning. When pursued, any vision can be explained.

Our method of conscious attunement has its challenges but the channel has a greater opportunity to mature and understand. Now the primary communicator is your own True Nature, who you truly are, the larger you, the eternal you. Other beings can convey information as well. Best accomplished in harmony with the protocols of your own being.

Effective communication is a complex reality of protocols. Anomalies, our brother, do not negate the rest of the journey. It is possible, using the strength and foundation of the rest of the attunement, to clarify these. So we all do our best to achieve the clearest communication, with the patience to refine and deepen understanding. Many approach to participate in the communication but must adjust to the protocols as well, one being our agreement to proceed. Namaste.

May 26, 2015 B                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Awakening is a process of allowing

JANU:    Let us begin then by stating that the richness of life of each sojourn is influenced greatly by the inner awakening. Now, when we speak of the veil from the beginning of the sojourn, it does not close off conscious awareness of your True Nature completely.

The purpose of the ‘still, small voice,’ so-called, is to maintain the connection, for a variety of reasons. The instincts, the insights, of the youth are a response to this. Those who are older have forgotten and the connection is more vague to the human consciousness. The effort to rejoin this ‘still, small voice’ and its inspiration, its guidance, occurs for some later in life and, once begun, becomes a fairly constant pursuit for the richness it brings. And its strength grows in life as the veil diminishes, for with this comes the understanding to commit to a richer incarnate life and lessens the urge to depart from incarnation, envisioning greater freedom, a utopia.

We are not suggesting here premature awakening, but a growing maturity to include this in the life, bringing insight and sensitivity to the truth of everything. Realize that life is process and moving with the flow of life is not a function of ‘pushing’ but more a sense of allowing richness into your life, allowing awakening, with patience but expectancy, confidence, and gratitude.

May 31, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring other physical realities

This is on the order of “Coming Attractions.” Yet it seems to fit well with ideas expressed in the previous attunement.

JANU: We are done with this searching for answers we already know. The deeper clarity comes from understanding what lies beyond them, for that shines new light on what you think you know. So let us pursue new thresholds of understanding, attunement, and achievement and we shall see new vistas that include what has been gained. Why not open then to what lies behind and beyond?

For this evening’s journey, let us partake of a new vista. And the vista we choose: the reality in the larger life of the role physicality plays in a non-physical life. Understand this: there are many different physical realities. The one of your current experience is one of many. Now, the laws of life, the parameters of existence, are quite different and need to be, for the range of life reality non-physically is vast as well. And physicality plays a role interfacing with these many other realities. So physicality must have many more realities.

So there is a worthy journey, our brother, to explore and understand other physical realities and how they differ and how they contribute to, participate in, the larger life. Much talk of alternate universes, parallel universes, alternate existence, and dimensions. We shall explore this further and you will learn to let go of what you think you understand of only one element of physical life. Physicality will have new meanings. Thank you and namaste.

May 12, 2015 B                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Exploring all of life

JANU: Understand that exploration of the physical universe, to be fully understood, must include an exploration of the non-physical as well. Even though these may not be one in human consciousness yet, they are one in reality. A dilemma for some is that the physical universe is measured by time and space but other realities are not. So the purpose and function of physicality is not fully understood without an understanding of the non-physical existence it is one with. Your own nature is far more than physical, with far more to understand than the physical body. So your True Nature continues on. The physical experience is a temporary one, experienced by who you are.

There will always be questions raised as science attempts to discover the nature of the universe through a physical understanding. Many scientists are discovering that the nature of physicality, physical sciences, must have much more to discover to explain what they observe. What we are saying here, our brother, is physicality is part of life but not all of it.

In time, people will consider life in this larger way, including their own nature. Even when you observe nature and the life it is, how does one species of plant communicate with another at great distance? So, when you explore life, explore all of it. And be sure to include exploring who you truly are, and we mean all of it. Be at peace, our brother, and namaste.

May 7, 2015 B                                                                       Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Recycling and recreating of the human journey

 continuing with the thought of the past two days:

JANU: There is growing within the human psyche, the human consciousness, a pattern that could be called a peace movement formulated by, conditioned by, the desire of so many for freedom from a lack of integrity and the games people play for position and power at the expense of others. The ambitions that drive so much of society take their toll on those that support it with the perception that survival is a function of this form of insanity. What we describe are changes in human consciousness that seem too gradual to be noticed but, when attuned to, can be seen as a groundswell.

The difficulty for those who grab their power at the expense of others is that the fear behind these struggles is growing, making it ever more difficult to see the Light. Unfortunately, many who are caught up in these circumstances, the followers if you will, will feel the burden of these changes, which will bring freedom preceded by confusion and fear for survival.

So these are turbulent times for humanity. Letting go of the old rung on the ladder of life to embrace the next takes a faith and courage to be found within. These are the times when True Nature takes more conscious place in the consciousness of humanity. As nature recycles itself to create anew, so is the human experience, dramatically for some, being recycled, recreated. Look forward to these changes. Attune to them. Understand them. Move with them and profit from them. Namaste.

May 11, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


The inner truth can become the outer truth

JANU: We are considering carefully an approximation of that needed for a balanced understanding of the powerplays outpicturing throughout humanity. The True Peace that comes from true inner power is an illusion to those who struggle for power by controlling others to feed their need for it, which is never satisfied. So they exercise violent control, or their illusion of it, to take what they perceive as power from others. And others, not understanding or owning their inner power, live in fear of this and give their power to despots. And the cycle feeds on itself.

Once again, the need for awakening, individually and collectively. Individuals acquiescing to these violent forces do not stand in their integrity, for they do not see they have the power to do so. Fear for survival tends to rule the heart and mind. These despots have no power of their own, save what the people give them, but they are held hostage by fear of the very ones they give power to. Where does the cycle end, our brother? What changes it? Despots come in all sizes, from the boss at the workplace to the so-called leaders of nations. And even in religion but in different forms as even they teach fear of God. Fear is their tool to gain power and survive. All of this is created by people with varying agendas.

Peace comes, our brother, by being at one with your True Nature, what some call the ‘still, small voice.’ Why is it still and why is it small? Because it challenges the strongly held beliefs in the need for external power, control of others, loss of integrity, cleverness, manipulation, and lip service to so-called models of a ‘righteous’ life. Where is the truth, our brother?

It appears as though humanity survives in spite of itself. All of this can change into true freedom of spirit, ownership of life, and creativity that benefits everyone. It is not a pipe dream to be free, but one must let go that which interferes and choose that which promotes. Awaken to the truth within you that has always been there and never left you. That’s where freedom and power lie. Namaste.

May 10, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also post of June 4th and June 5th


The human temperament

JANU: What is the temperament of humanity at this time, and what changes are needed? The current temperament is one of uncertainty as to unknown changes in the future, dissatisfaction with the present, concern about economic survival and the security of families, and a diminishing faith in government and authority. The changes needed are confidence in their own being, their ability to secure the future by adapting to and managing change, birthrights by way of existence. A guiding and loving reality, larger than their current understanding. Currently, the temperament includes a resilience to survive, a commitment to community and mutual support, a love of children, and an anticipation of discovering life and reality beyond the Earth.

Now, by temperament we mean the collective temperament of humanity, for that includes those who are reasonably comfortable in life and those who can barely survive the day. Encouragement, with some evidence of improvement, keeps the hope alive. The collective human body needs healing, a rallying of resources distributed throughout the collective body. There is an attitude of “I am OK and you are not OK. I will survive whether you do or not.” The fundamental concern—whether for your family, your neighbor, your community, your country, or globally—makes no difference. The patterns are the same. Not easy to be generous when you are desperate to survive or in pain or hungry. Witness the range of temperaments in world leaders and their behavior. They are part of the human temperament as well.

How long humanity has lived in isolation from the larger life. Inspire others to find the truth within them, learn of their True Nature, and allow that richness into their lives. It is comforting to come to know that you are part of a larger Family of Life, not alone. You will understand life and who you are in new ways. Find new inner peace while engaging life’s opportunities. The future is bright, our brother. Become part of it. Namaste.

May 9, 2015                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also previous and subsequent attunements.


The individual and collective human experience

JANU: We agree to foster the advent of a secure relationship with the True Nature. Joining these levels of consciousness as one brings clarity to everything. One doesn’t struggle to achieve this. Commitment and a loving desire in an atmosphere of allowing amidst evidence of a growing awareness brings confidence to proceed.

The human entity has many perspectives of consciousness, as does the True Nature. Humanity has evolved into this. Awakening to the True Nature is not a new adventure for humanity, but it’s becoming more understood and recognized as individual and collective advancement and a better life. The veil is lifting, our brother. The darkness is retreating and humanity will understand why it exists and is looked after.

Now, not many see a relationship between their individual journeys through life and personal being with the collective of humanity, but it is just as real as your individual lives. Being more and more conscious of collective reality on the human journey is a great revealer of things to come, in incredible detail.

How does one appraise, then, the content of the human collective? By attuning to the collective reality, the body human, and not just the physical bodies, but the spiritual collective as well. One can choose to be aware of, to see, the aura of humanity. And by some specific awarenesses, everything humanity has experienced, created, and is creating is known. Trends are observed, patterns, and the patterns of change. So, observing humanity, our brother, includes the freedom to be aware, not for curiosity but to better serve and understand.

A small brick is an essential part of a grand structure, but this structure, comprised of all the small components, is something more. Only, the human collective is a living structure and all the components are evolving. Awakening is the path, our brother.

Attuning to humanity as a collective reality is a good beginning and there are many consciousnesses, beings, who have already accomplished this and continue to do so. There is a wholesomeness and balance to this approach. The collective humanity has a destiny, a purpose, and none of it is a secret. Explore the reality of service, what it means to you, its traditions and evolution. Service is a theme of life and has always been. Namaste.

May 4 and 6, 2015                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

see also “Human temperament” and “Inner Truth can become the Outer Truth


Evolving communication

JANU: We are combining with others to explore life, survey opportunities, and appreciate the desires of countless beings to explore and further their lives. Humanity is one such, as well. Humanity’s strong passions to evolve have existed through many changes. Other worlds have this as well, some of which humanity would recognize, much it would not understand. Looking for answers in nature, the sky, and so-called heavens, language has been both a blessing and a limitation, for with language it usurps the ideal or desire for communication and perception.

How does one shake off then the evolution of communication through language for something less ambiguous, with deeper meaning, encompassing far more of life? The powers of perception through awakening provide the answers. To evolve beyond language, spoken language, is an interesting challenge. Consider then that language on other worlds will not be English or any other Earth language. So where does that leave communication, mutual understanding, tolerance, patience, compassion, and relating? Could it be, then, that other types of communication are invaluable? Direct knowing beyond words, a sensitivity to the revealing energies of another, the patterns, emanations, inner configurations of thought and feelings, memories, visualizations. To be developed, seeing spoken language as an evolutionary step, not a final destination.

A picture truly is worth a thousand words, if understood. Is there any common ground in understanding an image or a color or moving patterns? Purpose and reason for being must include more than physical identity. The non-physical reality of human consciousness has always been in play but being accepted more and more as part of the human experience, not finding the answers in understanding just the physicality of the journey. Even individual consciousness, thoughts and exploration, are conditioned by words and their limited meanings. So how can communication in these new ways with others even begin without first beginning and developing with the individual?

When communicating with an animal or a creature, it is far more effective to project the visualization of meaning and inquiry. This is easy to test and witness, as you have already done. Spoken language is only part of the path of communication. It is wise to develop the rest of that path, even within your own consciousness. Namaste.

May 14, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross