Heaven and Hell

JANU:    Some labor under the notion that their path in life leads to eventual bliss or eternal damnation. What a narrow, unloving, and limited choice people are presented with by pronouncements of faith and an unforgiving authority. We say this to that: the only truth in this is what you believe to be so. And even that runs its course after passing from the body. The larger truth here is one of a loving process of freedom from such limitations. Think you then that life condemns part of itself, meaning you, your spirit, your consciousness, your True Nature, to an existence of permanent separation from the grace that life is?

Your True Nature is a grand example of what we speak. Punishment is not the theme. Loving association, deep understanding, your own forgiveness for everything and the freedom to enjoy the love and the truth that awaits you. However, the veil was dropped for your sojourn for your benefit by your True Nature. Your path is full of your choices, whether incarnate or not. You have always been loved, and always will be. You are a Light Being, with the capacity for forgiveness, service, wisdom, True Peace, and the power of life itself to create. Your master is your own True Nature. You serve the truth of who you are. Allow yourself to experience that Light and that love that is your heritage and your destiny. Love each other in the spirit of that freedom. Namaste.

Apr. 28, 2015 B                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Realization of your total identity

JANU: We are announcing the realization that there always comes a time when each one has a breakthrough moment in consciousness of self-realization, what the self really is, you see. This breakthrough moment is life changing, for the focus of existence is more permanent, more anchored in reality. You ask to describe this breakthrough moment. It is different for each one, our brother, but it has to do with thoughts, desires, concerns, frustrations, scattered perceptions coming together as one, resolved in an understanding of your nature and the flow of life.

It is not just that the presence of the True Nature is with you but the identity becomes far more complete. Yes, the True Nature is who you are eternally, but the rest of your existence, including the human journey, is giving depth, character, texture, flavor, and wisdom, and all of that is included in who you are. So, your identity is all of these, as part of that which lives on. Your identity as a human-being-only personality changes and grows, includes more and more. So does your True Nature, for it includes the human journey. In time, ‘we’ becomes ‘I’, the Capital I, if you will, meaning the complete you. Still in motion, still absorbing life, and still observing life.

This process may seem unique to your current consciousness and memories. This is not your first time, our brother. It is a universal experience, each one unique due to the diversity of life. And by no means the end of the journey. Just one more threshold, you see, in the evolution of life. Cherish the moments, for the next moment is not the same as the last. Thank you, our brother, and namaste.

May 2, 2015                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Living free in your full identity

JANU: We are holding the focus for renewal for all of humanity. Otherwise stated: rebirth into who they truly are. This theme of life is growing and will become more dominant in the affairs of living. This rebirth is not a departure from incarnate life or incarnate concerns, but an expansion of consciousness to include so much more. And, in time, the identity includes all that you are. What a grand journey of experiences and wisdom and contribution to life!

What is awakening, then, but becoming fully aware of all that you are and, through that existence, access to understanding the rest of life? Everything will be perceived through a new perception, understood more profoundly, valuing each other beyond pettiness and competition and power struggles, finding peace behind everything, transmuting mis-creations into re-creations. Commitments to life are greater than one sojourn. Conscious incarnations by choice, even while mastering your life, anticipating the wonder of endless new adventures and discoveries.

These new understandings and perceptions lead to mutual support, helping each other realize their journeys and explorations. New associations with other worlds profoundly more meaningful, not only for humanity but for them as well. The reality of alternate existences, rungs of existence, are limitless as well in scope and diversity. Life without physical bodies is vast. Everything is changing, our brother, everything. No longer being ‘stuck,’ if you will, in social scenarios, patterns of living and relationships. Pioneers in human civilization are revered. In the new life, everyone pioneers in one way or another, exploring and sharing discoveries to help each other.

Freedom, our brother. Live in freedom and own the life that you are, settling for no less. Being free, living free, enhances life. Namaste.

Apr. 27, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: We are nudging once more the recalcitrant human to examine their life and understand it. Are they repeating patterns of living with seemingly no change or resolution to confusion and frustration?   Introspection from time to time can bring clarity to the life. Meeting struggles in life can be in combination with peace of mind, joy and happiness, not just somber seriousness.

How does one measure, then, their patterns of living by way of choices and external influences? By examining the balance of light-heartedness, peace of mind, and goal achieving. And then the question arises: what are your clear goals in life? Do they make sense to you with joyful anticipation of achievement? Do they require denial of your inner voice, your conscience, or are they in harmony, supported by, inspired by, strengthened by who you truly are? Do they compel you to rush into thoughtless decision-making? Do they own you?

Introspection from time to time clears the way. Reflect on your life often, with full confidence that you can change your course and be successful in the flow of life that includes your True Nature. Put everything in your life on the table, so to speak, and see it for what it is. Namaste, our brother.

Apr. 30, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross



JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us partake of rich opportunities. From some perspectives, life for the most part is a continuing journey of sameness and repetition, predictability, and opportunities are seen as occasional. Whether awakening or not, opportunities are ceaseless. Many are just not aware of these. So, you ask the question, “Does one take advantage of all opportunities, if they are that continuous?” The answer is no. You are free to choose. The wisdom comes in which ones to choose and when.

So, how does one recognize an opportunity to be fulfilled? It is by being conscious of your life, the truth of it in the moment, and the potential of any chosen opportunity. Do they seem related and fulfilling?

Now, opportunity then is a life creation based upon your life. Reality is so full of richness, movements of life, change, evolution, everywhere and always. The sameness some experience from day to day is from unawareness of what is available. Taking time to find meaning in everything but not understanding how to see it. Opportunities can be a doorway into these understandings and a growing vision of what is. Opportunities are life communicating with you. Your being attracts them and, yes, creates them by way of the larger reality of your being.

A worthy effort is to recognize opportunities each day and the many ways they present themselves. Look not for spectacular opportunities but for the small fleeting ones in relationships, decisions to be made, and understanding. An opportunity can be a person who just walked by you or is speaking to you or is serving you and being served by you. The still, small voice that guides you is you, your True Nature.

The eternal you possesses much wisdom and love and compassion and gentleness and is in communication with the richness of life. Strengthen the link, the connection, by listening and putting into practice in your life what you have gained through the listening, you see. What better way to learn and grow than by way of who you truly are? That truth is always with you to guide your life and your awakening. You’re not alone and never have been. Walk life together as one. Namaste.

Apr. 29, 2015                                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Blending of harmony & challenge in the life

JANU: Which do you prefer: a harmonious life without challenge or a life of challenging opportunities? One is a blissful life and the other rich with achievement. Why not both, our brother, co-existing? The challenge is bringing wisdom to the harmony, the harmony bringing the strength and returning the wisdom to gain more. Measure not the worth of your existence by just the virtues of harmony, but the growth you achieve by mastering life as it is.

As you blend both in your life, the insights into understanding become more profound. Sanity is a precarious thing without the balance of these two. “What then is sanity,” you ask, “to be cherished, nurtured, achieved?” Sanity is a harmonious relationship with life that maintains integrity, serves life lovingly, grows in understanding of life’s interplays, and finds peace in the midst of everything.

Resolve the extremes of living by coordinating your engagements to produce creativity that spawns new life. That’s what the flow of life is, our brother, forming the new from the old. Structures, forms, and functions change, but life continues. When one form is replaced with another, life did not end, only the forms and structures that it supports changed. Recognize the cycles of any form of life and see them in this larger way, including your own form, our brother. And we will always be one, as we move with the flow of life. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2015 B                                                                                     Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Discovering beauty

JANU: We are enjoying with you this moment of reverie induced by the music that runs through your mind and your being. Encouraging moments of beauty in your life is not only therapeutic but raises the consciousness, harmonizes the systems, and is revelatory. Beauty is appreciated in different forms and it matters not which. Filling your life with beauty and what it brings does not mean to turn your back on serving life that it find beauty as well, meaning others. What a worthy starting point in relating to another and exploring what they find beautiful.

Beauty fosters the True Peace we speak of, with its amazing benefits. Beauty opens the paths of communication into ideals and values and your integrity. Much of life’s beauty goes unnoticed, unappreciated, unengaged. Encourage this reverie in others and the beauty that inspires one brings out the beauty in the one appreciating it. Complete being is a thing of beauty, including the incarnate experience. Allow yourself to see the beauty in others and in yourself.

Yes, there is what you would say as violence in nature, destructive, which is nature recycling itself into new life, new expressions. But there is beauty in this as well, our brother. Life in motion, process, interactions, creation, the closing and opening of cycles.

Music, our brother, is not limited to the incarnate life. Great symphonies are performed in the consciousness of many and, when so attuned, shared. Do you think composers of beautiful music while incarnate do not continue composing? Only less limited. Allow yourself the experience of a symphony in spirit. Grand compositions. Where do you think inspiration comes from for those who compose great symphonies while incarnate? The so-called ‘Music of the Spheres’ is a natural reality.

The beauty of a sunset, immaculate in detail, composition, color, and movement. Can one avoid being filled with gratitude to experience such? Think you not this gratitude, deeply felt, is not therapeutic and balancing and loving? Discover beauty in life, our brother, heretofore unnoticed, and be at peace. Namaste.

Apr. 23, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

Prayer and blessings

JANU: We are exploring the reality that attuned prayer is powerful indeed. Prayer evolves in its potential and its service, in its capability, according to many things, including the commitment and understanding of the one praying, the receptivity of the one receiving, and the wisdom behind it all. To initiate or call for a prayer does not require a profound understanding of the need of another, but a growing sense of the presence of life, capable of such, and through that sense leaving all doubt behind. The call for a blessing allows for the elements of life to constitute the blessing in a perfect way. So why not initiate a blessing when there’s an inner call to do so, as one observes life around them? Now, observation, our brother, is not limited to eyesight but includes inner knowing, empathy and connection, sensitivity to the challenges of living.

Specific blessing can occur when attuned with understanding to a specific need. But even then acknowledges the source of the blessing is larger. You ask, “Can one effectively ask a blessing for themselves?” The answer is yes, our brother, still acknowledging the source of the blessing is larger than themselves, which may include insights into changes in lifestyle, attitude and consciousness, emotions, and self-appraisal. Or may observe the presence of a being or beings appearing in different ways as involved with the blessing, but allowing your consciousness that these beings are part of a larger life, a larger wisdom, and are well suited to the blessing. And always let there be a foundation of gratitude that life is in motion and responds to prayer.

So, don’t hesitate to pray for blessings. For prayed for in this way, no harm can come. Namaste.

May 1, 2015                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Mother Earth

JANU:    We are considering the Earth as part of the human journey. Can there be any doubt that countless realities of the life of the Earth, including all of its creatures, vegetation, natural occurrences, so-called forces of nature, processes beyond number, have contributed to the evolution and content of the human journey, with many opportunities to gain wisdom and insight? More than just a platform of life to survive on, but a dynamic and long-lived reality. As we have said before, gratitude opens the channel of the flow of life and its blessings. This includes the Earth, our brother. It is part of the flow of life, with countless blessings for all of the life that it is and supports.

How many in humanity cherish and treasure the bounty of the Earth and strive to connect with and communicate, understand nature? The physical human body is very much part of that nature. Is it not made of the Earth? Explore then the links of the human physical existence to the planet it is made of. And think you that the Earth is only physical? It is not. It is many levels of consciousness, life if you will. And the Earth and the physical body respond to each other in so many ways. Hence the name Mother Earth.

This relationship and its potential have always been understood as part of the human experiment. Physical life and spiritual life are on the same page, our brother. The deity that humanity has created for itself is also part of the nature of the Earth.

The Wheeyah Code series is designed to awaken humanity to the life that the Earth is. Those that designed and created these globes understood this and knew that, in time, human consciousness would advance to the point of appreciating this reality. And these Codes, when experienced, enhance the process, you see. Humanity’s sciences,   researchers and explorers, have achieved a great deal of understanding, but there is so much more. Consumption and depletion of the Earth’s resources is only necessary when human consciousness is unaware of grander possibilities.

Becoming conscious of the Earth, and the full range of its existence, is an essential part of human awakening. Miraculous potentials are all around humanity and are of the Earth. Namaste.

Apr. 8, 2015                                                           Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross


Elemental patterns of life

JANU: What we address this morning is the elemental nature of life that exists as the patterns, blueprints if you will, but living patterns that are the reference for manifestation. They are key ingredients in the creation of life and life’s creations.

Now, what life means to many is a product of this, these patterns. Patterns are created for manifestation to be guided and develop. The elementals of life are the product of thoughtful creation. Realize, there is a hierarchy to life, each ingredient, each element essential. A consciousness in harmony with these patterns is in harmony with the creator of them. You could describe these as thought-forms, which are the framework for manifestation. And they are in motion as well, ever changing, for the looping reality of life allows for re-creation influenced by how life unfolds.

You have asked about the design of the human vehicle and where it comes from. This is part of the source of the human design and evolution. Elementals, elemental patterns, but are shaped by, designed by, the many structures of life, their interactions, and what they produce. All under the auspices of the eternal nature of Life itself.

Much to become aware of and understand as to the hierarchy of life, an eternal ongoing reality that is constantly changing. For life is in motion, all of it, but it is still a system of life. Many orders of subtlety compared to gross physical manifestation, but includes this as well. To be in harmony with the flow of life does not mean a lack of individual initiative, creativity, desire, and service. All of this and more is part of Life in motion.

Humanity continues to seek to understand the so-called Source of Life. It is understood through the countless systems of life, their interactions, their function and purpose, their evolution, their nature. And as you do, you understand—or begin to—who and what you are in a larger and larger way. How do you define in words the source of that which is eternal?

Apr. 14, 2015                                                                         Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross