Experience life beyond words

JANU: We are encouraging this pursuit of happiness. The Archangels should be considered when appreciating life and the systems of life, for they are such. One of many. So, you see, peace reality is not limited to the individual experience, but collectively as well.

There are many systems of life far ranging and coexisting. These excursions into incarnate life have many forms. One being the birthing, the veil, the human journey. But this is only one. Many come and go, without this. Needless to say, with a different experience. Their parameters of existence are different, but they are there.

An interesting challenge, to recondition the incarnate mind to touch other realities. These journeys into the Larger Life continue, whether incarnate or not. Our communication is conditioned by the human connection. Using words of one language is quite limited, but this is the mind’s conditioning at the time. So much seems just out of reach, but the conditioning limits the reach, you see. So these brief introductions of perspectives are part of the re-conditioning.

Be conscious without words. Just decide to know. Experience life. Be one with it. See beyond the words. Namaste.
June 12, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

A larger reality of being 

JANU:    We are ready to proceed with the organization of consciousness to include the many elements or systems of being and the so-called structure of Life that includes all the dimensions, all realities. What we reach for here is an understanding and experience of the coordination of all of the elements of Life, all realities, including the reality of consciousness.

Consciousness is the great connector. Where the attention is, so is the connection, and the communication, and the coordination, and the realization. The unenlightened limitations of the human experience no longer dominate. Reality without limitation made possible by integration and coordination, intimate relationship of all realities. The human ego consciousness is not accustomed to, based upon societal experience, limitlessness. But part of the Nature is. So, awakening, you see, includes transforming human consciousness into a larger reality. This means letting go of the confines of human identity.

The Larger Life refers to your own as well. Allow your consciousness to experience expansion, inclusiveness, knowing, creativity, peace. True Nature is a useful expression. The human experience or journey is only part of this. Namaste.
June 11, 2020                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross



The Now has no beginning

JANU:    A fine point to be made is that all of life is essential. Forms change, patterns change, but life evolves. Some of your thoughts have been: What is the origin of life? Was there a beginning?

Forms have a beginning. They evolve, modify, recycle, change completely. Life continues. Connecting with the beginning of life speaks of limitation. Life is unlimited. Now, the question is: What is Life? ‘Life is’ is not a satisfying answer to the human consciousness. But to the larger consciousness, Life always will be and always is. Life cannot be put in a box, for the box is Life, you see. Attempting to wrap limited mind around unlimited reality is an expression of insanity. For what does it profit?

Living in the Now is without limit. What more could you desire? Let us find peace in being one with limitlessness. Life without borders is rewarding without limit. The True Nature and the Now are one. Namaste.
June 11, 2020 B                                                                             Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Marshal resources to change consciousness

JANU: ‘Parlay’ is part of what we do. Parlay resources into creation, in service to life and its many realities. For this evening’s parlay, let us return to the days of service that represent the culmination of achievements. There are two or three…it varies from two to three…repositories of experience and wisdom that marshal forces needed to bring change to human consciousness and motivation. These resources have a vector relationship best understood as an angular coalition that forms a vortex, if you will, that responds to a matrix of life that oversees creativity.

Let us align for the moment with these resources and through them the matrix, reconfiguring consciousness and patterns to bring coordination to creative forces in the human psyche. There are times when the direction of human consciousness and creativity benefit from suggestion. The suggestion this evening is coordination, cooperation, and collaboration within the larger nature of human potential. This achievement is in harmony with that of the Earth and its life patterns, as a team. Much to be revealed.

The consciousness of humanity no longer the perception of a world isolated from neighbors but connected and conscious in very real ways. This realization brings a beginning of a sense of unity between humanity, its Larger Life, and others. Let us hold this pattern, allowing it to imprint in an uplifting and constructive way. Namaste.
June 17, 2020 B                                                                                            Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years. 


Living blissfully

JANU: Wholly without rest is the pursuance of integrity, consciousness, desire to know, creativity, peace, engagement through service and enrichment, understanding the nature of Life itself, its motivation to continue and evolve, the evolution of its potential, the coexistence of countless realities, the freedom to be. Rest does not mean the absence of any of this, but the harmonious existence and relationship of it all, even though always in motion, changing, re-creating. Even in restful sleep of the body, all systems are rejuvenating, realigning, rebalancing, renewing.

Peace and rest are active elements of life and exist always. Even during the waking hours, peace and rest coexist with the systems of life. Some call this ‘bliss.’ Living blissfully is profitable. Attune to, align with, blissful peaceful existence within the systems of your being, alert and conscious, gaining wisdom through experience and insight. Namaste.
June 5, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


We are life systems 

JANU:     Exploring systems, then, may we suggest that one see oneself as a system of life, the human experience and consciousness being only part of a larger system. “So, how large is that system?” you ask. By this, you mean: “How much does it include? What are the elements of the system?” A few are known to the human consciousness. Some of the physical, a very few of the energetic, a little of the spiritual, and not much of the overall consciousness and its range, its depth. Our journeys have skirted around the issue, but the human consciousness longs for more; therefore, the need for a systems approach to research and exploring life.

The human body has a pulse, a circulatory system. In its own way, the spirit does as well. It’s in harmony with the larger pulse of life. Definite inbreath and outbreath corresponding to the respiratory system. The larger system has sensory capability, as does the physical. Desire, joy, peace, a sense of balance or equilibrium, also knowingness. Glimpses of this larger knowingness come in the form of insights, direct knowing. Some say they only go by the facts, but what are the methods, the paths to become conscious of all of the facts?

The spiritual life has similarities to the human experience, incarnate consciousness, but not as limited. When one is conscious beyond time/space, perspective changes. Relationships have potential, outcomes, movement, flow and change, memory, recognition, and mutual support. Goal orientation but not regulated by a clock or a calendar or finances. Yet there is an economy of energy and productivity, through sharing of knowledge, combined explorations. And there is love, with countless expressions.

And, yes, there is music, harmonies, rhythms, enduring patterns, a Symphony of Life. Music is not limited to incarnate life. Creativity is universal.

Life is rich, no matter its reality of expression. Awakening reveals this, even while incarnate. Life is a living system that includes so much more than physicality. Systemic understanding and experience touches everything. Namaste.
June 4, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Be whole in the moment & grow

JANU:    Configuration is the theme. And Life is configured, but even the configuration evolves. To understand Life in its many forms, many expressions, one becomes more and more familiar with these nuances, their relationships, their potential, and their tendencies. Human behavior is part of this. Nature is part of this. Energies are part of this. All consciousnesses are part of this. It has been called the Tapestry of Life, but it is a tapestry that is changing and includes all possibilities.

How does one navigate through this maze, these complexities, these changing relationships and maintain integrity, focus, and destiny? One makes allowances for realities. One is alert, perceptive, and conscious.

Life is vast and growing. Observation of the path of worlds, space if you will, universe, physical and energetic, its seeming immensity is still just part of the Larger Life. So, why concern oneself, then, with these realities? As one becomes more conscious of where they are at, their moment of life, the rest of Life is involved. Life is enriched by engagement and everything matters. Personality ego seems like a grain of sand in comparison. Far reaching implications from that grain of sand.

On your journeys through life, leaving one part of life in your attention to explore another is an illusion, a product of binary mind. But the larger mind, the larger consciousness of your nature explores all of Life, with many foci. Emulation of this is the thrust for human consciousness. Be at peace with what works, what thrives. Embracing a new discovery does not mean rejection of what has been. It’s all Life. Be whole in the moment and grow from there. Namaste.
June 2, 2020                                                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Living in the freedom of Now

JANU:   Renewal, then. Let’s look at this from the perspective of shaking off old patterns, creating new ones, expanding into patterns of the Larger Life consciously. The human identity syndrome, if you will, mostly lives in the past of old patterns. New ones are tied to the old ones, the result of the veil and limited identity. Identity is a limitation to begin with, for that means you are one thing and not another. In the Larger Life, which is your Nature, beingness is unlimited but evolves, expands. So, if you must use the word identity, or the concept, have one that is ever-changing, expanding and becoming. That is part of the flow of life.

Living in the so-called Now is unlimited being. Living in the present is truly the source of past and future, not defined by what has been or what will be. But living in the present is freedom to choose your experience, what your consciousness is connected to. The reality of The NOW is a tradition, if you will, a reality woven in time/space, past/future. It is the source of these but supports these journeys. Choose freedom to be. Namaste.
May 26, 2020                                                                                                Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Happiness and co-creation

JANU:    Happiness. What does it mean? What is its source? What is its endurance? What is its origin? How does it communicate? Happiness is not only contentment with what is achieved, but confidence in what can be achieved. Continued happiness, without change, breeds complacency and boredom. So even happiness, you see, has evolutionary change. So choosing to be happy is a co-creative reality, as is complacency and boredom, dismay, discouragement, endless repetition.

So if choosing to be happy is a reality and has existence, what is its nature? Is it more than the human condition? Is it founded in the structure of life? Or is it only a creation of desire and consciousness? What does it serve? And why does it seem temporary and only circumstantially available? It is a function of co-creative choice and the freedom to be. Any relationship with life, under any condition of consciousness, any state of being, and it is by choice.

So, when surveying your existence, your experiences, your circumstance, you choose happiness or wait for it. Enlightenment can be seen the same way. It is a co-creative choice, with its own reward. Mis-emotions fall into this category, you see. Freedom is powerful in the sense of the exercise of co-creation. Co-creation without disadvantaging others or manipulation or interference, but being part of the circumstance of their happiness, their freedom, brings a joy and a contentment. Namaste.
May 28, 2020                                                                  Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross

This is an expansion of  the concept of happiness  presented earlier in  Happiness: allowed not created, and Awakening: Happiness, among others.


Ethics and integrity

JANU:    How, then, does one precipitate manifestation of ethical behavior, which is subject to interpretation? By combining essential elements of life that perpetuate or continue its evolution. Consideration of the structures of natural life. Realizing that nothing is fixed, but in motion, means being conscious in the moment and attuned to the flow of life. One tends to think of terms such as ethics and integrity, truthfulness, as fixed realities, true to their nature, or a perception of their nature. Once again, intuition—an inner sense of these things—with motivations that are clear and understood guides the way.

Honoring relationship with the Larger Life supports a knowingness to proceed with any endeavor. Develop sensitivity to be conscious of the source of intuition by the manifestation of its life patterns. Intuition, application and experience, direct observation, short and long term outcomes, life unfolding around and through you. Life is more fluid than any preordination. Doing your best, whatever form that takes, Life benefits from it. Namaste.
May 19, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross