Awakening and evolving are co-existing realities

JANU: We are surveying, if you will, this tapestry we call evolution. What is evolution then, our brother, but the realization of potential as a process. The physical body, for some, only deteriorates over time. On the contrary, it is evolving. No need for cycles of birth to evolve. Of course, there is evolution, too.

The theme here is to evolve as a complete being. While incarnate, that’s part of it. But the patterns of incarnation evolve as well. The body is a living system responding moment by moment to the evolution of consciousness and the total being. See your incarnate life as part of the evolution of your being. And from a larger perspective, your potential is evolving as well. Everything in motion.

The path of discovery and realization is endless and part of the nature of your well-being. Much of the cause of disease and illness is a disconnect, to varying degrees, from this understanding and way of life. It isolates your human identity from the larger life with its resources, rejuvenation, and evolutionary influences. Once again, a reason for awakening.

Humanity tends to perceive itself as something separate from the rest of the creatures of the Earth. Unique, yes, our brother, but not separate. All of life is connected and can mutually benefit. There are those who experience and understand to a degree the consciousness of creatures and even communicate in certain ways, and through this they benefit from the calm, from the simple perspectives, the flow of perceptions and feelings of these creatures. Some have sojourns far longer than humans and there is a wisdom gained there, so well becomes attuned to the evolutionary consciousness of your entire being. Include the creatures as well in your experience, in your understanding, in your perspective. Yes, and you are one of the creatures of Light as well.   Namaste.
Dec. 8, 2016                                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Realizing potential

JANU: During the beginning of each incarnation, there is an assessment of potential in the environment of opportunity to manifest it. Now, potential is not a single possibility, but can be a broad range of expressions and achievements and services. The question for many is: How do I become aware of this?

As with any true realization, our brother, there is an energetic and illumined response when the attention is placed upon a true possibility. We of the Brotherhood of Light recognize this and encourage it. There are many opportunities, as one walks through their lifetime, to observe that which becomes a catalyst for memory and inner awakening to potential, to desire, to passion for creating and becoming. When your attention is placed upon this, it heightens the sensitivity for discovery.

Now, this does not suggest the comparing of one’s potential to another’s for significance and demonstrative result, ego gratification, if you will. But the gift of potential and its realization brings a deep joy that cannot be measured. And that joy sustains the development of potential that is true.

Humanity mostly includes a wide range of choices in behavior, the conducting of one’s life. And not all these choices bring happiness or peace of mind. They are part of the package, if you will, of growing into the refinement of life through experimentation to discover the results of choices and make changes. The discovery of potential carries some of these qualities. For some it is a long path and for others there is an inner knowing that seems always to have been with them.

All true potentials, our brother, have merit and serve life. Even the choices of experimentation to discover potential serve the evolving consciousness into awakening. Life is filled with opportunities of refinement, the winnowing if you will, of choices into preferred results, bringing clarity and purpose. Encourage each other into self-realization, without condemnation or judgement. In many ways, life is an experiment into evolution, realization, creativity.

Be thoughtful in your choices. Be observant in the results of these. Carefully consider any changes. Learn from each other’s experimentation and continue on. To we who observe over the eons of time, humanity is evolving, awakening, and realizing its potential. As some would say, “Keep the faith” and continue. Namaste.
Dec. 6, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The creation of a universe

JANU: We are exploring creation with you, hearing your inquiry as to the essential nature of the universe and its creations.

What we see here, our brother, are patterns of life generated during the moment of the first beginning. These patterns are the product of consciousness not understood by the incarnate mind, but a universe of time/space properties, parameters of existence, is created from consciousness beyond these parameters. The universe has time/space patterns of life, much as DNA in the body, initiating and continuously regulating the creation with patterns of unfoldment, evolution, development. There is intelligence behind this and it is not the deity of human creation or desire.

You reflect upon the experience of exploring a singularity. (Two other posts relating to this concept: Experiencing the Now and The scope of life.) This is not unlike the moment of truth of the so-called spark that creates a universe, or should we say the beginnings of one, and the inherent patterns. As you know, there are many such universes beyond your own and reality beyond universe. The patterns of life that build a universe and maintain it have an origin, but one must be conscious beyond time/space to perceive them. The singularity journey was such a one and, when taken, reveals new understanding and perception.

People are in awe of the power involved, the energy in creation of a universe. These patterns we speak of generate the power, or should we say allow the creation of, the patterns of which exist beyond time/space. Therefore, there must be an accumulation of principle pattern as a non-physical catalyst for the patterns of physical creation, a relationship that is continuous and co-exists. Even as you as a human being co-exist with subtler and non-physical realities of your own existence, your own being, so does the universe and everything in it.

Approach these revelations, our brother, with gentle allowing, assuming nothing but open to everything that is. Namaste.
Dec. 2, 2016 B                              Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The power of a subtle life

JANU:    In a world of physicality, subtlety can be a vague reality, the merits of which are many. Communicating with each other in this way, looking for nuances of consciousness, intent, desire, agendas, presence, elicits communication of a more profound nature, including mis-emotions as well. Practicing perceiving your own subtleties, as well as those of others, heightens sensitivity to the moment and brings about the option of subtle responses that don’t crash over, if you will, on these nuances of life. Women demonstrate this to some degree, but tend to add meaning of their own to misperceptions. But oftentimes respond effectively.

Life can be like the wind, our brother, invisible currents of presence, movement, and force. The subtle life navigates these changes through perceiving the influence of them. When you are in the presence of the creatures of the world, the animals if you will, and the creatures of the sea, being still and sensing the reality of the moment, gently and lovingly, elicits the response that attracts life. For all of these creatures have curiosity, you see, interested in their perceptions and observations. The human consciousness is capable of this and much more.

Awakening, you see, includes subtlety as a way of life. In your day, choose sensitivity to the subtle messages of life, for they are all around you and in you. Broaden your awareness of these movements, these currents, these influences. Learn of them. Grow with them. The larger life awaits your embrace as you enrich each other and live more in oneness and at peace. Namaste, our brother.
Dec. 2, 2016                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


The Now of the future  

JANU: We are sailing straightaway into the Now of the future, seemingly a contradiction in terms but nonetheless a reality. Not a contradiction at all with a larger view.

The Now of the future is your potential, the potential of everything. When potential is understood, the clarity reveals the future. The potential for humanity in the Now is an enlightened race of beings with associations and involvements beyond the Earth. The universe seems very large but consciousness is larger still, or can be, especially when you consider that consciousness is not limited to this universe or this reality.

So what is the human potential, then, that describes this future? Its potential is loving and perceptive beings with capacity, even while incarnate, to generate forces, energies, that support and can modify its physical existence and more. Eventually humanity will no longer need to toil to build a dwelling. They will be created to entirely different environmental standards. The challenge to humanity is to not lose physical fitness with the ease of the power to manifest, to create. So life will include the adventure of physically demanding activities and become more than humanity is at present, increasing longevity, stimulating creativity with a fully functioning physicality, brain and mind.

Each will perceive each other’s field of energy and vitality, not only of each other but of all living things. The connection between living things will become apparent and valued and a compassion for all of life will be a working reality, for no longer will humanity perceive life as something separate. The essential nature of all living things will be understood and the patterns of living will be shared.

Quite a different scenario, our brother, from society at this time, but that is a future for humanity to create. Choices are easier when greater clarity and understanding is possessed. The ability to progress patterns of consciousness, of reality, reveals their future that will guide choices in the Now, in the moment.

Practice, if you will, progressing choices that face you at this time into their future, making modifications when wise to do so. Relationships with others is a grand opportunity to practice progressions and to make choices. It takes insight and sensitivity, not only into your own nature but the potential of others. Remember, there are no secrets in life to the enlightened mind of a conscious being. Peace and love is a healthy foundation for such explorations. The future of humanity, our brother, is no secret. Why do you think so many beings in the larger life encourage and support humanity? Namaste.
Dec. 1, 2016                                 Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


How completely do you know who you are?

JANU: Wondering as you do about the nature of life within and beyond the physical, we would suggest that your attention or concentration be on the reality of the physical being one with that which is not physical, in the common meaning or sense. Taking a position of one thing separate from another diminishes an understanding of the reality of either one. Everything in the physical-only point of view sees only form, borders, limitations, and some relationships. Taking this unified view reveals the true nature of a larger reality that includes the physical. For as you probe the reality of the physical, you discover elements co-existing, with correlation. The questions left unanswered by physical appraisal only of the nature of life become more clear.

When embracing the nature of the so-called physical, it is having non-physicality as part of its nature, its essential reality, its so-called substance. Science has learned some of this. But witness the two referred to earlier on the media, able to move their hands through objects, de-materializing and re-materializing what their attention is on, to read the mind of another, no longer convinced they cannot accomplish these things and many more. And that is the difference, our brother.

How much of one’s life is shaped by their sense of reality and unreality, of the so-called laws of physics, or the social point of view as to what is possible and what is not? Merging the so-called physical life with the subtler life opens the consciousness to unlimited possibilities, which has always been available, attainable, and part of the larger life. Who and what are you really? How complete is your understanding? A worthy question to ponder, our brother, and awaken to. Namaste.
Nov. 30, 2016 B                  Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Encourage everyone’s contribution to life

JANU: Certainly, our brother, the achievements of many bear witness to the potential of life. Compare not the achievements of one to another. In the larger picture of the Truth of Life, they are one piece of the puzzle. All pieces are needed to complete the picture, you see, to complete the potential. The opportunity and challenge then is to recognize your own piece of the puzzle and realize its potential, no matter what that potential is. And as you evolve in consciousness you realize and experience that you are the rest of the puzzle, of the picture. So everyone’s contribution makes you whole and you see the merit in helping each one realize their dream, their potential, their piece of the puzzle. This speaks to oneness, collaboration, association.

Encouraging everyone you meet, including yourself, to take advantage of their gifts and enrich life is a journey with its own merit. This is the Truth of Life, our brother. The human ego you are experiencing is not who you are. It is a contribution to life. So honor each one’s achievements as they serve the larger picture, which you are becoming aware of. Be at peace, and namaste.
Nov. 30, 2016                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Being conscious as a divine being

JANU: This current exploration of yours is ours as well. Becoming conscious as one is a grand awakening. No longer just a human identity with a divine nature, but one reality, whether incarnate or not. It is a daring leap of faith for a human being, identified as such, to let go of that as a single identity and become something larger, more inclusive, of a divine being of many experiences and capabilities. An eternal being with identities that come and go, but all leaving their impression, their pattern in memory and beingness. So, you see, being conscious as a divine being adds to the human experience, enriches it, and opens the door to grander possibilities, while incarnate or in any other reality.

So much of the terminology used by human beings is a product of the veil and separation consciousness, which creates an exclusive world of physicality and limited reach. This is not a trance state, but a conscious one. True identity and true being is supporting the human experience, recording it, so to speak, while gaining wisdom and understanding. Many other such patterns of life remain with you, our brother, and with us as well.

Life is a vast resource of accumulated experience, wisdom, and understanding, creative ability, memories and patterns. A living library, if you will, beyond comprehension, and you are a book on that shelf, on the shelf of that library, growing, expanding, enriching life, as is everyone. Being conscious as a divine being, our brother, includes your human identity as well, the page or a chapter in that book. Allow yourself to experience full consciousness, not separate from human experience but including it, a divine being during any journey. We are one. Namaste.
Nov. 29, 2016                                Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Enthusiasm for living

JANU: We are summoning then the understanding needed for recharging one’s enthusiasm for living day to day. Let us begin by revealing through experience the vitality of life and what that brings to imagination, creativity, and the desire to learn and grow. Learning more of life is a grand rejuvenator, for the physical brain and other systems of your existence are all connected. Learning and growing and creating are great rejuvenators, the counterpart to the elements of life. Unmanifest potential is a vehicle for experiencing the True Nature. The joy of discovery and understanding is the catalyst for more, never ending. Choosing to be that reality gives impetus and purpose for all of your systems of life.

Embracing life in this way takes energy, but also creates it. An exchange that proves beneficial for life to move on as the flow of life. So, on a day to day basis, choose to discover, to learn something, to experience it, to understand it, to grow from it and through it. Not just as an echo of yesterday but touching the qualities of life and their vitality. You are the quest of life itself. The ponderings we spoke of earlier, employ these things.

There are many forms and levels of experience. Not all require physical involvement, but the physical can benefit from all of these. While incarnate, the physical body, made of the elements of the Earth, is connected to the Earth. Choose this day to be inspired. Discover, learn, grow, experience, and rejuvenate, and create. Be one with the flow of life. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2016        Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 11 contains all prior attunements in this series.


Ponderables on the path of awakening

JANU: ‘Ponderables’ is the theme here, on the path of awakening. What is there to ponder, our brother, to consider, to attune to, to explore, to understand, and to apply? You ask questions such as the non-physical reality of the universe, singularities, perspectives beyond time/space, the nature of subtler realities, human consciousness in the presence of the True Nature’s consciousness, and then, of course, identity—more to the point: identities. These are only a few ‘ponderables’ on the path to awakening.

These elements of reality are not just born of the human consciousness but the True Nature asks these questions as well, such as: What is life? And the question “What is not life?” does it have any merit at all? So as you consider these ‘ponderables,’ consider them in the presence of your True Nature, that which can connect with these understandings and reveal them, at least to varying degrees. Steppingstones of understanding, our brother, that are evolving as is your consciousness. Revelations in these areas of interest spawn more ‘ponderables.’ Not to be overwhelmed but to embrace these and awaken to a larger life, or at least part of it.

Awakening, our brother, in its truth is a never-ending process of reality. Serving the awakening of humanity is a grand journey. The wisdom that accompanies this is a grand journey as well, you see. Remember: The understandings you achieve are not yours alone, but the legacy of life for everyone. Given to whet the appetite, so to speak.

The magic of journeying is revealed through the embrace of a ‘ponderable.’ Ask your questions. Open to the presence of your True Nature and its connection to the larger life. Namaste.
Nov. 25, 2016 B                    Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II set 10 contains all prior attunements in this series.