The transition of awakening

JANU: We are Janu speaking, clearly, as it seems, joining together that which belongs to the equality of the so-called Rapture and the release of the spirit from mortality, the ‘mortal coil’ if you will. What we describe here is the union or coming together of what some call ‘soul’ and the release from incarnate experience. What we really see here is the identity shift from humanity to spiritual being, the significant moment in the evolution of consciousness for it reveals the true freedom of being. And this experience triggers a flood of memories and awakening to the larger life.

So many of your world see only the current environment, societal norms, the vagaries of the physical condition, consumed with thoughts of longevity, and the thoughts of transition hanging over the life like the Grim Reaper. We are here to say, at this time, that this moment in experience is wondrous indeed, for it reveals so much of all you have been and known. So it is useful to let this event ‘rest in peace’ while engaging where you are in the moment, your tasks at hand. One does not have to wait for transition to live in joy and peace, fundamental happiness, and the richness of discovery and knowing. The transition that matters in the moment is the transition of awakening, whether incarnate or not, you see. Awakening is a transition, into the light of knowing and being who you are.

June 10, 2014 B                                                                     Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

There are two related posts: [p2p type=”slug” value=”transitional-migration-moment-to-moment-lifetime-to-lifetime”]Moment to Moment[/p2p] and [p2p type=”slug” value=”transitional-migration-a-life-process”]A Life Process[/p2p]


Linear and non-linear realities

This is part of larger topic:[p2p type=”slug” value=”the-dynamic-range-of-progressed-thought-and-understanding”] “The Dynamic Range of Progressed Thought and Understanding”[/p2p]

JANU: Understand this, our brother: that life, the reality of the universe in which you live, is not a linear progression. Life is a simultaneous reality. The dynamic range of thought and understanding represents this co-existence. So to employ or engage this dynamic range, one must let go of linear perceptions and engage the reality of simultaneous existence and all of the limited interactions and re-creations, adaptations, the cooperation that makes up life. Let us do so at this time, becoming unlimited in our identity as simultaneous existence.

All existence and all potential are one. They co-exist. You ask, “What sort of understanding does this relationship reveal?” It reveals the nature of life, our brother, which is the nature of your being, and all it can be through the patterns of its existence, which includes its potential. The human experience is but a single element of this all-inclusive reality. And one can walk the patterns of life, not just individually but collectively. The questions you raise, then, have a new foundation.

Now, the challenge here is: linear thinking, in reality, is not rejected but included in a simultaneous reality of perspectives. You ask, “How do my interests find a foothold in this simultaneous reality for revelation?” It isn’t one or the other in consciousness, our brother. It is both together, individual interest, collective awareness. That’s simultaneous existence on all levels. So entertain your concern or interest, but in the light of the light that is cast upon a non-linear, unlimited reality. This revelation is revealed for any interest to any degree. It becomes the doorway, if you will, to a far broader understanding and engagement for utilization of the revelation.

The questions of humanity, of life and death and what if, that seem unanswered move beyond understanding to a kind of experience that includes so much more, as far as you care to take it. Now, when one can perceive the life journey of the world upon which you reside, you do not see futility in continuing with that world, but the opportunity to experience so much more, without fear. If one moment in your life can be predicted to end, and another begin, does one fear the end of that moment? They do not because their consciousness includes a larger reality that includes that moment, and when that moment ceases, life continues unabated.

So include simultaneous consciousness and reality in your ponderings of the nature of life and its countless elements. Namaste our brother.

June 19, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The collective consciousness of humanity is awakening

JANU: There is a growing presence in our vicinity of attunement and this presence is the collective consciousness of humanity, speaking as one. For as the individual awakens to their own True Nature, the collective consciousness of the one humanity quickens to its own True Nature and, in due course, humanity and individuals will become aware of this truth that describes humanity’s reality in the presence of life.
What we see this morning is a movement in consciousness for all that will facilitate humanity of the Earth becoming attuned to the humanity of other worlds. For the collective consciousness of humanity includes these, you see, and they are all one in this reality. So it behooves every grouping of humanity to awaken, building the foundation for what is to come. Understand this, our brother: humanity is not just a collection of physical incarnations, or should we say physically incarnated beings, but a multi-layered reality of presence in the flow of life. There will come a time when the concept of individual consciousness and personality ego will give way to a preferred and more fulfilling reality of collective consciousness, leading to at-one-ment with the overall thrust of life and destiny of the much larger human experience.
This perception is awakening throughout humanity and the name “humanity” will take on a much larger and deeper meaning. All of humanity is awakening, our brother, and the fundamentals of this collective perception will extend opportunities for profound relationships with many other worlds, and many other species, and many other realities of subtle existence. Much is coming, our brother. Let us prepare. Namaste.
June 4, 2014 Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

What is an open mind?

JANU:   An open mind, indeed, is a worthy ongoing goal in the quest for life. It is a critical element in mastery of the challenges of life and we agree that it is to be developed for the benefit of humanity. What contributes to a closed mind might be explored as a beginning understanding of what is an open mind.

A closed mind lives in fear of anything new, unknown, challenging, and that challenges the comfort of a world of consciousness limited to what is known and safe. A closed mind can be compared to the limiting consciousness as relates to personal exercise, for many know of its benefit but still avoid it because it requires commitment, effort, follow through, regularity and, for effectiveness, a more detailed understanding of the physical body and the mind/body connection.

An open mind requires the commitment to the pursuit of understanding, taking the time to do this, the ability to focus and follow through. On certain levels, it does require effort, our brother, exercising the brain/mind connection and then, with the new information gathered and understood, decisions to be made as to application, modification of old ways, analysis, and the peace to absorb and evolve thoughts, emotions, passions, and a changing perception of reality. An opened mind serves all of the bodies, brings freedom to their evolution and sense of peace in any situation. An open mind recovers lost information and understanding of past relationships and the service they can bring to the moment. An open mind is more tolerant of others because of the understanding and allows for intimacy of relationship with those who differ from you. An open mind leaves one free to praise another, uplift, encourage, and inspire, for an open mind understands the benefit to everyone. An open mind embraces the future with enthusiasm, anticipation, and expectancy that the beauty of life is endless. An open mind partners with the other species of life, the other minds awakening to a grander life. An open mind moves beyond association to partnership, intimacy, and appreciation of oneness.

An open mind is the beginning for countless adventures and a relationship with all of life, not just abstractly but ‘at one with.’ An open mind and awakening go hand in hand.

May 10, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A new day for humanity

JANU:   There will come in time a liberation of the human spirit, leaving behind the darkness of the past and the present. This liberation will come in the form of agreeable cooperation based upon a growing understanding of what can be accomplished together and the waste that comes from conflict and greed, power struggles, fear of the unknown and each other.

This new day dawning for humanity will begin to blossom in the decades to come. It will not originate from one location or one person, but an uprising of profound inner desire around the world, here and there, not only for a better life, but from memory of a better life. For many in your world are not exclusive to Earth experience and bring with them the memories of a more peaceful and richer life.

This will occur for some in September of this year, and grow exponentially, a growing number of people. It is an awakening of the spirit overtaking and replacing the darkness on the human journey. This is not just something to be observed from without but gains its strength and scope from within, for many still see the outer world as the primary reality. It is not. Evolution of human consciousness is not limited to the daily outer experience, but from a growing presence within of True Nature, memories, potential, capability, experience, and a love for life.

We see this occurring soon, our brother, for so much lies before humanity to be achieved. It is time. The wandering in the comparative darkness is ending. There will be those who will resist the change, delaying it only for themselves. A new way of life, a new way of living is on the horizon. Rejoice in this. Embrace it, and enjoy your future. Namaste.

Apr. 14, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


Transitional Migration: A life process

JANU: All of life migrates from one state to another as it evolves. How can it be otherwise, for what then would evolution be? Now, this movement through life has many interesting variables, for it is not just the movement from one state to another with complete isolation of each. Your patterns of carryover are elements in the foundation of any changed state of being.

How does one, then, sort through these influences, these carryover patterns in their current state, to maximize their use and use them to discover new possibilities beyond these patterns? For even those around you, who may communicate with you and you with them, will remember previous states of evolution and tend to see you in this way, pulling you back, so to speak, from a new expression of life. To be in control of these influences, one must have a foundation of being an anchor in their True Nature. Seeing clearly that all of these influences are but shadows, nuances, as one progresses. Now, one may choose to progress, so to speak, in the direction of old patterns from various motives of fear, comfort, or certainty of the future, and the preferences of others.

Though initially this series focused upon the transition from one incarnation to another, one life to another, but these can be understood more clearly at times with the transitions from day to day, from job to job, from relationship to relationship. One may even observe that they are unclear about why what they have chosen to leave behind in a new relationship seems to be still there. The difference is the consciousness employed, of ownership of being, and freedom to be.

Migration is always appropriate, for this is life in motion, but can take on unlimited possibilities, nuances, and patterns of previous existences, even the patterns of others as they demonstrate their successes in their migrations. How many children have aspired to be one profession or another of the adults they observe and are enamored of, which may or may not be reality for them?

So, change and migration are one, our brother. Even from the morning to the evening, migrations occur, usually without planning or conscious appreciation or in-depth understanding. For humanity has yet to achieve ownership of its being, mastership of its destiny, and the wise choosing of their path in life, even from moment to moment. We all are challenged with this, our brother, and grow in wisdom through the experiences and the observation of others’ experiences. So this is a process of life, with rich reward. A core experience is in each day that can be identified as migration in life. Plumb the depths of meaning and possibility as you consider these.

Apr. 17, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Mastering emotions

JANU:   For this morning’s journey, let us move into the area of life that deals with past emotions, for so many of humanity are still moved by these, influenced by these, that modify and sometimes interfere with patterns of development in consciousness evolution.

These patterns of emotion are similar to memory patterns for they certainly inspire each other to come forward with their imprints. Past emotional patterns continue the emotions of war and revenge, striking out and striking back, and have brought civilizations to their knees and, at times, their demise, all considered justified by the ones with the memories of what has been. Even communicating with and connecting with other worlds, one is not free of these imprints.

The emotional body as such is a repository of these life creations, born of life experiences, and they are part of what some would say “make people tick.” So it is a revealing and rewarding reading of the person, to be aware of the emotions within and their origins and their influence on the life. Emotional stability does not necessarily mean emotional clarity, for being locked into a stable pattern of destructive emotion, limiting emotion, is not freedom. So, what is a freeing relationship with strong emotional patterns? Even as with memories, probe their depth, allow their evolutions of source and meaning, own what is yours, and remember your true identity.

The question arises: Are your experiences and your creations who you are? Are they your identity when you stand in your Truth? When identified with incarnate life, human personality, they become who you are by what you allow. Some would say, compartmentalize the experiences. We would say: be the master of everything in your experience, in your philosophy, including your memories and your emotions. Be the choice-maker of the influences you allow in your life. Be the master of who you are.

Life presents with endless opportunities of experience, interaction, and service. Have a growing wisdom of what prevails in your life. Just because it exists does not mean you must let it rule you. There are always alternatives in life to choose, to employ, and to experience. Given the moment, the Now if you will, there exists the freedom to be whatever you choose and all is revealed as to its nature. Namaste.

Apr. 16, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Dynamic Range of Progressed Thought and Understanding

JANU:   In looking at a new adventure this morning, may we consider and explore the dynamic range of progressed thought and understanding. In order to accomplish this, one must acknowledge the reality that whatever there is to explore already exists, whether in the present or not, for potential has its own reality, as does manifestation. So let us begin our exploration.

Exploration of this nature is not based upon models of past experience or current experience. It is based upon all realities. So let us begin with the range of consciousness that has the capacity to remove this perspective from the limitations of current experience and adopt an overview of life’s realities. And what is required to be conscious of anything, our brother, but the attunement to the pattern-matching of potential or any creation, into its nature—meaning its existence, its vitality as the flow of life.

So, being conscious of an element of life that you are not currently consciously at-one with, is a degree of conscious awareness. But to be conscious of an element of life that you are consciously in oneness with, it is experienced as if you were that element of life. Yes, consciousness can be aware, simultaneously, of the intimacy of oneness of any element of life and the integrity of its identity, understanding that oneness transcends the limits of individuality but includes it as well. Being globally conscious in your world includes all the elements as well, not just the collective. So, if this is true, one may walk the incarnate life in oneness consciousness and relate to, be effective with, the integrity of individuality.

In duality thinking, it is one thing or another. In oneness consciousness, all is included. So one may focus upon any element of awareness and explore it and perceive not only its integrity but its role in the tapestry of life with which you are one. Not an easy concept for binary mind. We will continue these explorations at another time. Namaste.

Mar. 10, 2014                                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Power to Exist: Life’s response to the destiny of potential

JANU:   You speak of the power to exist, in today’s journey. What is the reality of such a power, the energies it uses, and what initiates that power? In a very subtle way, the possibilities of creation, of manifestation, of existence draw the energy, the power that it needs from life itself, which is beyond energy and that power, to fulfill its destiny by existing.

Now, we are not just speaking of physicality here but all realities. The power is defined, configured, shaped if you will, by the profound nature of that potential, its particular destiny and possibilities of existence. Any portion of life, our brother, in creation has a destiny, and destiny and potential are natural allies with imperative to proceed in life.

One has a tendency to perceive the present and the future, the unmanifest and the manifest, separate in some way, separated by time and events. They are not. Life is one, our brother, and is a looping reality constantly upgrading life, evolving it, and enriching itself. The power to exist is inherent in the potential of existence. And that power modifies as the result of the unfoldment of the destiny of existence. Everything in motion, our brother, including the power to exist, adapting, responding to the need for creation.

Duality mind still perceives this or that, now or then, here or there, and does not grasp well the significance or the reality of the oneness of life, much larger than but inclusive of time/space. Past, present, and future are one. Potential and destiny and creation are one. The power to exist and existence are one.

Mar. 13, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


A life of Oneness adds flavor & depth to every part of life

JANU:    We have with us this morning an opportunity to expand upon our understanding of oneness. The word means what it says; however, living a life incarnate in oneness consciousness casts a different flavor on experiences, perceptions, relationships, and self-awareness. For the most part, a life in oneness is a departure from perceptions of separation, individual identity only, survival at any price, and competition, for in oneness one does not succeed at the expense of another. Together, you rise above circumstance, challenges, and the so-called unknown.

Oneness does not stifle creativity, desires to become more complete in your life expression. It reveals unimagined happiness, peace of mind, and joy in all of life.

In oneness, one does not judge another, but allows the many variations of life. Life on the move, through infinite expressions, reveals its vitality and omnipresence. Oneness reveals sharing your life with another, with all others, our brother.

Oneness brings harmony into your vehicles, for disharmony arises from the perception of being alone. And the changes oneness makes to the integration of your systems of life are harmonious balance, mutual support, the natural enrichment.

A life in oneness is a life that is conscious of, aware of, everything it touches. And a life in oneness, our brother, can inspire others to consider their possibilities. In oneness, the genius of all becomes mutually supportive and collectively endless expressions of genius.

You question then: “What happens to the process of experience, wisdom-gaining, problem-solving?” It continues, our brother, but in an enlightened way. Choices still remain to the degree of the perception of oneness adding flavor to understanding, and the choices of what you will include in your life experience. There will still be that which is new to you to be realized, to be discovered, and to experience. But one does so as an awakened being, in ownership of your True Nature.

Now, the conscious incarnate mind still has limitations on how much information can be processed at the same time. The super-conscious mind, the True Nature, is not so limited, you see.  So, as an entity, you still shape the course of your life’s experience, depending upon your interests and maturity.

Mar. 9, 2014                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross