The Science of Life: The art of survival

JANU:   The Science of Life is an examination and understanding of its dynamics and method, if you will, for life always includes reason, layers of purpose, and countless interactions and outcomes, demonstrating meaning. The understanding for today includes the art of survival, not limited to a concern for the self but for your neighbor, your species, your world, and other worlds as well. Understanding survival leads to an understanding of connection with and service to the countless nuances of life, both immediate and obscure.

And, at times, one’s survival is transferred to the survival of another, and this is how life survives, our brother: the constant dance of give and take, that life survives, in many forms, in many realities. And the tradition of wisdom continues, and life evolves through the realization of its potential, and through this is created new life, new pathways. You ask if there is an end to this, or a culmination, a completion. There is not, our brother. It has always been and always will be, for life exists in and out of time/space, and if more energy is needed, more is created, from what you would call ‘nothing.’

The art of survival, or continuation, or evolution, or realization is part of the science of life, and the more you understand of these dynamics, the more your life realizes its potential, for your life is one with this science of life. This brings understanding to the purpose and reason for service being an integral part of life, always. It is part of the art of survival. As you serve life, life serves you and becomes richer for it. So, the instinct to survive takes on deeper meaning and purpose, as you understand the relationship between individual survival and the continuation of all of life.

Jan. 20, 2014                  Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



The Art of Communication: Reconnecting

JANU:   For our journey into the art of communication, let us consider the demise of limitation through a perception of isolation from one part of life to another. Today’s art of communication element or aspect is the sense of connection. For where is communication without this, our brother, the sense of being connected to anything of interest?

You ask, “How does one develop this sense of connection, enhance its reality, understand its nature?” It is begun by appreciation of the existence of your area of interest, acknowledging its life, and that it is life. Connecting also opens to the reality that any part of life has its counterpart in you, in your consciousness, in your True Nature. And, in time, realizing that connection benefits both of you, not just sentient beings but any part of life. So connection is not just giving information, or getting information. It is both.

Life evolves through connection with every part of its being. It is, in fact, our brother, one life. The sense of separation or individuality contributes to life exploring its elements, discovering its truth, becoming more conscious, filled with countless individualities with their integrities and potentials. Yet all of this, our brother, is still one life realizing its nature through its potential.

So the art of communication does include reconnection. And the motivation to reconnect is very subtle when consciousness is individualized. But it’s there, and your True Nature is ever present, aware of this imperative to reconnect with life as a process unfolding. When speaking to another, where is the sense of connection? How intimate is this? And how much does it appreciate and begin to understand?

So allow your sense of connection to deepen and build an understanding of those elements of life that interest you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 30, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

The Now: True freedom

JANU:   The Now consciousness exists in the moment. For many, this would suggest that it’s a removal from the past and the future. But in truth, our brother, it includes everything. For both the past and the future can be embraced and understood in this state of consciousness. The Now consciousness is free of recrimination, judgments, labeling if you will, preferences in understanding, and no longer owned by these patterns of life. Aware of and engaged, by choice, the true freedom to choose lives in the moment, for all others are conditioned by preferences, motivations, judgments, and the like.

When you bring your consciousness into the present, into the Now, your body responds by letting go of the patterns mentioned, which modify the health of the body. When a physician tells a patient, “You have six months to live,” that is a limitation. The physician’s opinion is based upon patterns of experience, which they expect to repeat. They do not take into account the true power and miracle of the moment when the individual is free to choose otherwise, with all the power to do so.

Virtually all of human endeavor is conditioned in this way. Humanity expects the wars, although decries them. Expects conflict, terrorism, and the mayhem that occurs each day. So what does one place their faith, their belief in: the patterns of the past, or the power of the present and true freedom to choose? For the Now seems challenged at every turn, when one considers this way to be, with the so-called reality that surrounds them. And the Now can be chosen, as can any other choice, our brother, if one lets go of being obsessed with the choices of the past.

When one chooses a new path in life, elements of the old past must be left behind, for they prevent the new choice, you see. Now let your focus be the nature and reality of the new choice, without necessarily understanding them all and not the choices of the past. Just let them be. Entering the new choice of freedom comes with the memories of the old patterns, but no longer attached to them, no longer identified with them.

In a very real way, the Now reality will seem like a new you. Realizing, of course, then, that your True Nature has always been who you are. Yes, this truly is ‘identity-shifting’ and has always been available. Leaving behind the masks of life mentioned earlier. The world can always benefit from who you truly are, far more than the masks of social consciousness. One might call this the ‘new frontier’ to be explored and mastered. For all of life is before you in a more open, liberating way to freedom.

Jan. 26, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

Finding truth through your beliefs (Service)

JANU:    May we commence this evening pursuant to the beliefs many of the Earth hold dear, may we serve them as well. They each will find a growing understanding of life and of themselves in their pursuit. These fervently accepted beliefs are an opportunity for life to reveal to each one the truth of everything they believe. This unfolds differently for each person, for their beliefs vary. So a loving position to take is one of encouraging them to find the truth through whatever they believe in, what they pursue, what they hold dear. And, as with all things in life, everything is changing and on the move, and so are they. The manner in which this takes place, or unfolds, is not your concern. The nature of life is unlimited. See this occurring in each one, my brother, and love it into being. This is service. Remember this and ponder its meaning. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 27, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross


The State of the Union (Service)

JANU:    Service this evening will include a dedication of sorts to the leadership, of the people and by the people, of your country. The course for humanity is being set and the current government is not focused upon leadership that the people desire but competing for power. And power is not defined by counting votes, but by the collective will of the people and their genius and their profound desire for leadership. There are those in your government who desire a clearer path to cooperation and serving the people but are confused as how to overcome the corruption and mixed motives of those in power in their parties. As the people require better leadership in ways that give the government less choice in the matter, then change may come.

So let clear minds and open hearts among the people begin a dialogue that brings sanity to leadership. Much is at stake, but humanity will survive their current government. The world desperately needs better models of leadership and many hopes and dreams around the world have been focused upon your country, yet discouraged at times at what they see. This evening’s service is to the hearts and minds of the people to awaken. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 28, 2014 B                                      Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross

A life of Oneness, conscious of everything

JANU: One might describe this experience of Oneness as exalted, compared to life without it, meaning being conscious of everything—the life that you are, the life around you. Yes, and even in its potential. Oneness is a reality that has always been and is the nature of life, all of life. How can any one part, any one example or element of life not be ‘one with’ that which is common to all of it?

What does a life of oneness reveal? It reveals an intimacy with everything and every no-thing. It reveals a way of appreciation, a connection that life in motion is your motion as well. Every movement you are aware of, you move with it. The rhythms of life are yours. Every manifestation that emerges intrigues you, as it develops. Everything you understand as it experiences its own potential, and you realize that it is your own True Nature that is accomplishing this. It is one thing to observe life evolve, and another to be completely one with it as your own. Being at peace, our brother, clears the way, opens the consciousness to all of life. You experience returning home.

You ask, “How can one be in this state of consciousness yet walk the Earth in the daily routines?” Because, our brother, you are conscious of all of this and it all co-exists within you. Simultaneous awareness is as life is, conscious of everything. And ‘cosmic consciousness’ includes many aspects of your awareness co-existing. Only the incarnate mind is limited to isolated singular connections.

Jan. 14, 2014                                          Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross



Dignity (Service)

JANU: We have in our hands, so to speak, this evening an opportunity to re-address the issue of subliminal responses to human dignity when applied to each other and to the self. The subliminal responses we refer to include a sense of peace and happiness.

What constitutes, then, an expression of dignity? It has to do with truthfulness, honor, true caring for another, caring for animals, and good character. These qualities, when expressed, imbue humanity with subtle responses from life of clarity and encouragement, as one observes a like response in another, of dignity.

Service this evening is to encourage this behavior in humanity. Inspiring dignity and patience. These qualities go a long ways toward a relationship with life that is free and fulfilled. Consider carefully, our brother, the qualities of dignity. Namaste.

Jan. 1, 2014 B                                        Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




The Awakening of Humanity continues

JANU:   Awakening has always existed, our brother, but these are accelerated times, for the rest of life moves this way as well, and humanity is part of it. The consciousness of humanity does in fact exist in other realms. And life is moving. Some of the dynamics or elements of the movement of awakening in these times are dissatisfaction and frustration with current circumstances, soul-searching so to speak for answers, for a better way of life, recognizing at the same time that current circumstances are unresolved. Realizing that the media describe the mayhem more clearly and more frequently than the beauty of humanity and its potential, thinking that the public is more interested in such behavior when, in truth, the public is interested in a better way of life, not being pandered to in their fears and frustrations.

The one you call Pope exemplifies this alternative. His religion is more the people than dogma or theology. There are many in the masses living simpler lives yet carrying the momentum of awakening to a better life, understanding the simple truths and beauty and power more than many so-called leaders, political and military. So, frequently we reach out to the hearts and souls of these with simpler lives, with encouragement, inner strength, and insights into their awakening. They are the vanguard, our brother, of what is to come.

The governments and leaders come and go, but the people remain to lead the way. Yes, Mandela understood this is where the real power is for change, for the evolving collective consciousness of humanity and its place in the future. Many civilizations on many worlds have endured these struggles, our brother. Many still do. It is part of life, as are we. Be encouraged, full of faith and commitment to a bright future. Namaste.

Jan. 5, 2014                                            Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross




Co-creation: Incarnation and awakening

JANU: It is true, understanding this reality is assisted by remembering why one incarnates at all, you see. Incarnation is a process that reveals to the one incarnating the mechanisms of life, not just materiality but the life that allows it, the energetic disciplines, protocols, structures, and the transformations that can take place in perception, consciousness, and appreciation of life.

Co-creation is a part of this process and it belongs to the Orders of Life that allow life to create life after its own kind, so to speak. So the rewards of incarnating and co-creating are not just for the individual but for life itself. Remembering that your existence, and your performance in that existence, are always one with life. Understanding and experiencing the co-existence of individuality, uniqueness, and oneness with all other elements of life is a grand journey. Let it be known that understanding this reality is a vast journey of its own.

Let there begin, then, a dialogue with the self and the nature of its existence, appreciating and understanding an incarnate lifetime and, at the same time, embracing the larger life reality of your own being. It is micro- and macrocosm, individuality and oneness, understood the same way.

The motivation to incarnate, which is your inquiry, is to experience more of life, understand more of life, and become conscious as more of life. For in this direction of experience, one moves toward completeness of being. And even that, our brother, is but a threshold into an even larger life, for the more conscious you are, the more of life you engage.

Ignorance and illumination are the choices, our brother. In either case, your Essential Being is, and is part of life, and has worth, and is loved. Co-creation exists no matter the degree of awakening. What is created is up to you. Namaste, our brother.

Jan. 2, 2014                                                                                            Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross




Understanding incarnate life

JANU:   Humanity in general is not aware of the role the consciousness of sea life plays in its future. Considering the vastness of the seas and of the world and the life they contain, how can one ignore a possible significance of this scope? The range of this life and consciousness is part of the Earth’s collective consciousness, plays a major role. The appearance and manner of existence and function in the life of each species is indicative of the variations in underwater environmental conditions that these species have adapted to. So, it would be understood in time that this is a way to anticipate the many variations in life on other worlds. Marine biologists are privy to much of this, but the connection has yet to be fully understood, with life on other worlds and their possibilities, their realities.

You ask again, “What does it take to be human, human in the physical sense?” In this scenario, it means conditions similar to those of the Earth. For the human body is acclimated to its environment. Can you not see that the conditions of existence and the nature of species are one? What is incarnate, then, in the human being? Is it subject to remapping by environmental conditions? Influenced, yes, our brother, through experience, memories, the wisdom gained. How much of the total being that incarnates is determined by the success of previous incarnations? Deployment is influenced by these. So, even to observe humanity and its consciousness that is apparent, character and content, does not reveal the totality of the nature of that which incarnates. And, yes, this is true for other species as well, including the animals, the birds, the life in the sea.

When all you are conscious of is humanity’s existence incarnate, the entire scope of your perception is based upon this. Yet to reveal its full truth to you for you have chosen not to perceive all of life. But the choice is not permanent, our brother. It is temporary, for your nature and your heritage lie beyond these limitations. And they are alive and present and welcome your inquiry into awakening. This does not suggest discounting the importance of the current condition of human consciousness awakening, for it is part of the larger life as well and is connected to it and enriches it. The choice has always been with each incarnate consciousness, and whether to incarnate at all and under what circumstances.

Find peace in life as it is, our brother, for it will always continue. Namaste.


Dec. 27, 2013                                         Copyright © 2013 by Joshua Ross